Men Are the Weaker Sex


< rant >

Women are like innocent little kittens that in reality are devious and vicious monsters from hell. This is why I don’t like cats, or feminists, or most women. Acting all innocent and weak and in need of emotional and physical support, but if you say one wrong word (it can be hidden between the lines also), they will gauge your eyes out and on top of that, blame it all on you.

Women are emotional but men are weaker to let the emotions rule them

Mens suicide rate is a lot higher than women because they can not handle negative emotions and rejection as well as women.

Men seem to have a problem with moving on after a break up. Yes yes it sucks but it shouldn’t control your life for months or years. Women move on much faster and continue life happy and merry.

Power of the pussy

Women will never ever have to be without sex if they don’t want to. You can be a 200 kilo swamp monster and still you’d get laid, every day, all day if you want to. There is always someone willing to fuck you.

It’s a lot harder for men, they have to be tall, handsome, smart, funny but not too funny, rich and well equipped to get laid. The competition is much tougher and women are very picky.

If a women wants to start a family, she can go to a bar, find a random hook up and BAM, she has a family. That works at least in Finland, because she can actually force the man to pay child support if he doesn’t want to raise the baby with her otherwise. I know a case where a woman has flat out lied about being on the pill to get pregnant by a semi casual relationship with a man.

If a man wants to start a family, scroll back to my point about getting laid, same rules apply. Men have no choice in the matter of sex and making babies, the owner of the pussy, and womb, gets to decide.

The dreaded man flu

Women’s bodies are used to changes in temperature, we have a slight fever once a month, so when we get the flu, it’s not such a big deal. Men are used to a nice even temperature, so when the fever hits, they feel like dying.

Sexual harassment

It’s sexy and empowering when a women flirts and grabs a mans ass. When a man does it, he is a pig and should be send to jail.

I worked years in the restaurant business and we were all pigs and sexual harassment was how we got through the busy days and weeks. We were all equals, men and women, slapping asses and talking trash. None of us could survive in an office job.


Women can slap and hit men, and that is not considered bad, just a little hormonal behaviour or “you must have done something to upset her”. If a man slaps a woman, it’s violence and there is no excuse. Also, women can return fire, men can’t.

Size shouldn’t matter in this, violence is wrong. Even the little ones can make big damage, just think of how bullets work.

Doesn’t sound fair does it?

From what I gather, men have been dealt the weaker hand in many areas of life. So if you have a man in your life, take care of him, he needs it.

Feminists, please stop talking about equality, because that is clearly what you do not want. Or maybe you do, but I sure as hell don’t! Getting 20cents less on an hour is a small problem to have compared to what men have to deal with.

< /rant >

PS. I do think that feminist are needed somewhere, ie in Africa and Middle East, but not in most western civilizations.

Disclaimer: Research done in real life and backed by no scientific evidence. Some over exaggeration used to make my point clearer.

Hope you enjoyed this light Sunday reading :P

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