Farming Business

Introducing a farming business on Hive and it's growing crap. You didn't read it wrong, it's not growing crops, but crap. A whole lot of shitposts made from scammers having multiple personalities.

Even if they had multiple personalities, each profile is a failure given how bland their posts are and it's one of the reasons why Joshua posts like Jose, Jorundr, Jörmungandr, Jeremy and @jepkupi. Here's a list of accounts

The modus is making multiple accounts and posting multiple times then hope some sucker falls for it upvotes their crap. It's not really an effective way to rake in money given how some of these posts just earn small amounts of Hive but never underestimate the power of multiple accounts and perseverance because that value adds up.

So upon downvoting the posts, I ended up being on the receiving end of their downvotes with each account dishing out 0.000$ worth of downvotes, I couldn't sleep that night because my discord notification kept pinging every few minutes with a new name downvoting me just when I muted a batch for the nth time. Give the person who runs this ring a medal for perseverance.

They are fighting the wrong battles and putting in energy to the things that don't matter in exchange for neglecting the things that really do matter.

And you know I struck a nerve when they had to create an alt account bearing a name close to my handle but a Filiphina (whatever that is)?


Some curators downvote to discourage these behaviors but scammers act like we're out to kill them by sabotaging their livelihood. It's pretty bad when your financial stability relies on people's whims to upvote you or not and payment has to be delayed for 7 days.

And this got me thinking... these people shouldn't be this dumb enough to think no one could pick up what they're doing right? right?

Nope, apparently the same user thought copy pasting the same images, posting through different accounts and community pages would hide their split personality disorder.

School holidays bring the family to visit a coffee factory by @hengky-long
Photograph of a coffee factory carriage by @forsate
The beauty of the coffee processing factory that I visited yesterday by @joelcareh
Go with your family to a coffee processing place by forlange

Maybe I'm thinking about this wrong and maybe whoever's behind is trying out something that could change curation business like rebels with a cause, there's maybe spamming accounts and creating multiple personalities is really the way to go?

I wanted to rationalize the behavior like surely they couldn't be dumb to waste a lot of time and resources to create their accounts for scrap rewards? maybe it's worth while because third world purchasing power turns cents into dollars from their viewpoint so creating a hydra of persona is the way to go?

Or maybe they're just dumb.

To think, the genius move to earn some social rewards here is just being yourself. I firmly believe that reputation is the greatest asset anyone can possess on this blockchain if shitposting to earn is their main modus because no matter how good one's content is, if the curator hates your guts, they're not going to vote for you.

Nothing personal but it is actually personal and that 0.001$ upvote is worth dying for on some made believe hill somewhere. I'm saying even if your blog sucks, as long as you maintain a decent reputation among the community, your chances of earning something here is better than being tagged as a troublemaker and having accounts actively antagonize you.

How so? there's a lot of shitposts here that don't really contribute value to the platform (my posts included) but still get some votes in as long as they don't spam and plagiarize content as the basic requirement. The other requirements is avoiding too much AI, following community specific rules, and steer away from social trouble where your character gets tested.

I don't believe you Adam. Fine, just take one look at the active users that comment and check their voting patterns, you'll see some variation here and there but there are recurring patterns where there will be repeating names on the list and these names happen to be the same people they are interacting with regularly on their network.

It's not fucking rocket science that curators are humans too and they would be inclined to support people they are familiar with more than strangers they meet online.

That's why a sound strategy to expand one's social network here is to actually spend time getting involved with other people than cloister up on your own blog and be self absorbed. Nobody will care about your blogs or you if you don't start paying attention to others.

Thanks for your time.

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