Make A Difference contest. Round #9. My entry.


was just having fun in the dream land when my alarm woke me up at about 4:00 am (Nigerian time). I jumped off bed put myself together and left for work.
I had to wait for over half an hour before I could get a buss. I didn't get to school on time though but I finally arrived looking nice and neat fully prepared to teach my pupils.

Immediately after the assembly, when we marched in to our respective classes, it started raining.
Then one of the girls in my class said "uncle, where is the pipe that takes water to the assembly, and who controls it?".

I then responded " come on Hope! There is no tap up there. Its the water that evaporates from here, condenses and when heated by the sun drops as rain".....


there is always a way of u thinking and understanding things in every stage in life. A child will always be a child.

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