Anyone angry or depressed yet?


The year is not finished yet but I doubt this will be mine.

I am not shorting so it surely was not my day, week or month.


By now you probably have all seen this psychology of a market cycle.

I try to find myself on there and I seem to be all over the place.

I have thoughts of panic and I was thinking about going into fiat for a while as well (Capitulation).

I can`t deny that I get angry about myself and the market and if I think too long about it I get a bit depressed.

I have read a couple Tweets already from random people who seem to be between
Capitulation and anger as well.

When I started out buying crypto there were one point where I was down with it and at the moment I am still even. Cant imagine how people feel who bought the top.

Where do you see yourself?

If you want to help a brother out give that link below a click

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