Rain stops Play, Ironically!

We had a beautiful, but very dry March here in East central Portugal, but finally the mid spring rains have arrived, and when it rains here at this time of year, it rains!

It rained HARD most of Thursday night, then on and off all day Friday, and pretty much all day today/ yesterday (depending on when this schedules = Saturday).

Got woken up by the LOUDEST thunderclap I ever heard on Thursday night - I thought a tree had fallen on the cabin, but in the absence of a tree-limb pinning my broken body to the floor I realised it was just Thunder - and then lightening, and power outages - no issue TBH as I've got a back up leisure battery that'll charge my lap top several time over!

In just one short burst of rain - the swimming pool is back up to full again:


As a result of the rain I had an indoors day today (Saturday) and caught up on some marking, some Revise blog work, but of course spent most of the day dicking about on Hive and moving chunks of crypto about (I'm currently listing to @makingstuff's show on Discord, Crim next!)

I didn't even get around to tidying the cabin, using the rain as an excuse - I tend to move in and outdoors when I'm cleaning, actually quite a good excuse - tidying can wait until tomo!

I actually quite enjoyed myself, having my first pure 'online day' in a couple of weeks - it's nice after a lot of IRL in the real world activities!

The rain was kind of ironic, given that I took delivery of four ICBs Friday, but haven't had the time to level the ground near the roof where I'm going to store them - they came a day earlier than expected, so I'm out of sync. Hopefully I can get the ground levelled tomo/ later today and then fill them up the future rain that's predicted for the end of next week.


If I'm careful 4000 litres of water should see me through the dry period in August/ September. I don't have much to irrigate, so that should be enough for two months worth of showers and washing up for one!

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