Hallelujah - Nick Cave And Leonard Cohen - WE NO WHO U R - Push The Sky Away

"For many of us Leonard Cohen was the greatest songwriter of them all.  Utterly unique and impossible to imitate no matter how hard we tried. He  will be deeply missed by so many." - Nick Cave

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Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Push The Sky Away (full album) 

"I discovered Leonard Cohen with Songs of Love and Hate. I listened to  this record for hours in a friend's house. I was very young and I  believe this was the first record that really had an effect on me. In  the past, I only listened to my brother's records. I liked what he  liked, followed him like a sheep. Leonard Cohen was the first one I  discovered by myself. He is the symbol of my musical independence. I  remember these other guys that came to my friend's house that thought  Songs of Love and Hate was too depressing. I've realized that this  'depression' theory was ridiculous. The sadness of Cohen was inspirer,  it gave me a lot of energy. I always remember all this when someone says  that my records are morbid or depressing." Nick Cave

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