10 Philosophical and Spiritual life lessons from Jiddu Krishnamurti + My own commentary and personal insights regarding them

Jiddu Krishnamurti is one of the greatest teachers ever lived. I haven't read a whole lot about him. But the little I know is sufficient to form my conclusion. As I mentioned in my post on Hyper Efficient Content Consumption you can learn a lot about anything if you observe and focus on some specific important things. Everything in life has a different importance. Some things are simply unimportant. But many things are simply less important. Checking daily news is less important. Breaking apart some socialist propaganda is less important. Personal spiritual development is highly important. If you are about to meditate, the making sure that you are not hungry or thirsty is also very important.

I want to share some of the best quotes from Jiddu Krishnamurti to help you realize how much of a great wise person he was. I too had heard many great things. But until I came across little bit of writing + one very important incident in Krishnamurti's life. You can read about that here: https://steemit.com/philosophy/@vimukthi/jiddu-krishnamurti-one-of-the-wisest-men-in-modern-times-and-a-man-who-was-brought-up-to-be-the-second-coming

Being an ambivert I truly know the importance of this quote. Some even goes as far as to say that an individual would go mad if he/she had to live absolutely alone for a long period of time. Some claim that the humans are social creatures that depend on the society to a great degree. To me there is a profound sickness under those words. Being alone is the most natural thing in the world. That is how you came to this world and that is how you are going to leave it. Just think for a moment about the amount of words or concept you can just throw away while you are truly alone. Racism, nationalism, sexism, fascism and many more -isms and words like leftism, alt-right, social justice, triggering, mansplianing and pretty much everything related to politics and group labels would disappear. The labels people put on themselves would disappear. This is when you truly get to know yourself.

This is where you see beauty as it is instead of beauty as what it should be.

Forests don't make trees. Trees make forests. If we take care of the trees and nourish them, everything else would fall into their respective places. Mind is the source of all action. Without mind, one cannot make decisions and act accordingly. A mind that is nourished and spiritually developed will result in good things in all areas of life.

Do the world a favor: Help Yourself!

This is just basically being in the "Zone" or getting into the "Flow". Some religious people drags divinity into to this. But it's basically doing the thing completely. I think this post will go very well with the above quote: https://steemit.com/buddhism/@vimukthi/an-invitation-try-this-near-impossible-but-very-simple-meditation-challenge-which-even-the-experts-fail-at-philosophy

Simple but golden words. Actions can be emulated. The reason behind a great deal of good things done on this planet is evil. I don't mean this as a road to hell paved with good intentions kind of way. I mean it more like "I'll be the nicest person on Earth so I can win the god damn election/ get the job/ bang the chick/ get the inheritance etc." You want to murder someone..... get close and be the best servant. Serve like a dog. Miss few chances to kill and make the trust go deeper. Then just casually slit the throat and leave never to come back again. Even without a sinister master plan people do good stuff to win points, signal virtue, show off etc. People also do stuff out of fear. They say things or refrain from saying things because they are afraid of getting slapped with a label. They will do disgusting acts and still not say a word in protest. Just research the statistics on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment

For additional reading, here is a short story - Part 1 Part 2

“Governments want efficient technicians, not human beings, because human beings become dangerous to governments – and to organized religions as well. That is why governments and religious organizations seek to control education.”

This one is pretty obvious to any Libertarian/anarcho-capitalist. As Milgram Experiments proved, defiance is an anomaly. Dignity and individuality sells for very cheap prices. People don't want to think or make decisions. Telling people what to do and think is the job of governments and religion. They are institutions of oppression of the highest degree.

This one actually ties into the first one. People are afraid to loose their labels. Think about getting people to invest in cryptocurrencies. A person would be OK with going to Vegas and loosing $500 but buying crypto with it would be a no no. Siding with cryptocurrency would mean turning the back on the entire economic structure of this planet. It would be getting on board a form of money that is meant to end the fiat. This also connects to dogma. Sometimes accepting that Russia isn't the biggest threat to the world or that socialism is one of the most destructive philosophies ever would mean going beyond a pre-established narrative. Above all this is apparent when it comes to Quantum Mechanics which even Einstein couldn't even come into terms with. His last years were spent desperately attempting to establish his pre-established narratives despite the evidence regarding the truth of QM.

“To transform the world, we must begin with ourselves; and what is important in beginning with ourselves is the intention. The intention must be to understand ourselves and not to leave it to others to transform themselves or to bring about a modified change through revolution, either of the left or of the right. It is important to understand that this is our responsibility, yours and mine...”

Nobody is going to offer you salvation and there is no one that is capable of saving another person. Those who have saved themselves can offer guidance and point where to look for answers. Revolutions are like post-modernism. It nver adds anything to life. It can only point flaws.

If flaws are all you see, then the flaws become your reality instead of the transgression of those flaws.

I can say many things about this. But what about silence. Fixing that which isn't broken will lead to eventual destruction of it. As for an exercise, describe what's good about a great music piece. I'll show you a complete lack of music in it.

The sickness to me is the seeking of truth beyond oneself. Wisdom gained through insight into truth is a state of being. It's like being happy. If I make a Matrix reference; "Being the one is like being in love". No pretense is going to have any impact. People may build ideologies or temples or social movements. All of these are nothing but psycho-spiritual prisons that spread like a cancer of the mind. No matter which ideology or movement or group or identity you choose, those things you pick are at best as real as a shadow on a wall. Picking circles and squares and fighting for them or even peacefully believing in them won't do you any good. Period. If a group is shown a cylinder and and the group splits in 2 calling it a Square Vs Circle....... there you have a group that is profoundly sick. It's a 7.3 Billion group.

Final and most important lesson at the end of this post is......

Happy steeming and stay Wise:-)

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