Which U.S. President? Quiz day #28

William McKinley was @micheal87's answer to this quiz.

And with that, this quiz is now closed!

Congratulations to the Winner!

Hello everyone!

Sheesh this movie poster looks like some old Soviet propaganda poster. Anyway, this is how the Artificial Intelligence though this particular president looks in his youth, when he took part in a movie called Karate Kid... "Lktilana Latuukens"? Maybe it's a Bollywood movie? This young man may have been known for more serious matters in the future, but for now, let's just focus on his acting skills.

The first one to correctly guess who's hiding behind the disguise will be awarded with a 100% comment upvote, 100 Ecency points, 250 NFTM, 250 SIM, 10 HP delegation, and a fancy Splinterlands card.

Here's the AI generated image:

Well, I'll tell you this much, our protagonist was a man of many talents. Not only was he a great leader and statesman, but he also had a hidden talent for martial arts. Who would have thought? I mean, just look at that posture, those muscles, that grace. It's like he's been training with Mr. Miyagi his whole life.

And the best part? He's not just any ordinary karate kid, no, he's the karate kid. The one and only. The guy who defeated the Cobra Kai, the guy who swept the All Valley Karate Tournament, the guy who put Johnny Lawrence in his place. This president was a true underdog, and he fought his way to the top.

Now, I know what you're thinking, "But this is a historical figure we're talking about, not some fictional character." But hey, who says history can't be fun and exciting? I mean, just imagine this guy in a karate gi, breaking boards, jumping over flaming bamboo sticks. It's like history has never been so cool. And who knows, maybe this movie will inspire a new generation to take up the study of martial arts and become great leaders like our hero.

The first one who gets it right, will get the prize of a 100% comment upvote, 100 Ecency points, 250 NFTM, 250 SIM, 10 HP delegation, and a Splinterlands card.

The Splinterlands cards I'll be giving away today, is a LVL 2 Untamed Ice Pixie.

Click on image for card stats or here for lore.

Will you be the one to win these prizes?

See you in the comments!


  1. Only one guess per answer, also no multiple separate answers in a row.
  2. Only three guesses per person, new guess can only be made when first one fails.
  3. Each quiz will run for two full days, whether they have been answered correctly or not, by which time the quiz will be closed, and the answer will be revealed.
  4. Be awesome!


  1. The one who guesses correctly, gets whatever the main prize for the quiz in question.
  2. Anyone who participates, will get a 15% comment upvote for each guess, and possibly PIZZA, BEER or WINE tokens, if they are fast enough. (There is daily limit to calling each.)
  3. The fun part:
    At the end of the week, based on number of guesses before the correct answer, I will give away a Splinterlands card to the most active quiz participant of that week, meaning you don't always have to get the answer right to actually win something. This prize won't affect the score however.

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