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Quello Development Update #1 - Support for Hive Keychain & Communities

It's been a little over a week since Quello launched and it's been great to see you posting your questions and answer to Quello. Over the past week we've been working hard to make some changes to Quello based on some great feedback we received from the community, here's what we've changed:

  • Added ability to sign in via Hive Keychain.
  • Ability to post questions to a community and creation of Quello community.
  • Questions now open in a new tab when clicked to hold your position within the feed.
  • Topics related to your search query are now provided within the search page.

Added ability to sign in via Hive Keychain

We always planned to support Hive Keychain as a sign-in option, however, based on your feedback we wanted to make sure we made this available as soon as possible. From today, you now can sign in, ask questions, and create answers using Hive Keychain. To get started, simply press sign in and select Hive Keychain as your sign-in method.


Ability to post questions to a community and creation of Quello community

Last week when we launched Quello, we wanted to make you had flexibility in choosing where your post appears on Hive (comments vs blog). After some great feedback from the community, we decided to add support for posting to communities too.

When we launched, we posted your questions to Hive as a comment by default to prevent them from showing in your blog. This is great for keeping all of your questions out of the eyes of all followers, however, it doesn't give them the visibility they deserve. This week, we've been working hard to provide your ability to post your questions directly to communities, and with this change, we've adjusted where your questions go by default.


When you ask a question it will now by default be posted to the Quello community. By posting to the Quello community your question will be easier to find when using other Hive front ends and overall provide questions and answer more visibility. Don't worry, if you would prefer your questions to appear as a comment or in your blog, you can still do this using the advanced options during question creation.

When we added communities, we want to make them as flexible as possible and we realize you may want to sometimes post your questions to other communities, not just Quello. Within the question creation advanced options, you can select from all of your subscribed communities.


With the introduction of the Quello community, we want to give your questions and answers as much visibility as possible. To help grow the community, if you're not subscribed you'll be asked if you want to subscribe before posting a question. If you'd like to join the Quello community, you can use the link below:



Topics related to your search query are now provided within the search page

To make finding questions and topics you find interesting easier, topics relevant to your search query will now show on the search results page when you search on Quello.


As always, we love hearing your feedback surrounding Quello so if you've got anything you'd like to suggest or if you have any questions, please let us know. We'd be happy to help.

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Follow our blog on Hive: @quello
Join the Quello Community: created/hive-163099