Quarantine Chronicles: Day 12 - In search of non wheat flour

Well it's day 12, and things here in Spain are going pretty much the same as they have been the past 11 days. Today I went out on a grocery run to a store that is probably farther from my place than I am supposed to go. Unfortunately it is the only place I know that has the stuff we need, so I decided to go for it.

It's a place here in Barcelona called Bio Space, it's basically an organic type market where they have alternative flours and things like that. Sabrina has really been aching for some pancakes the past few days but she has been on a restrictive diet to help her stomach for quite a while and she just can't handle wheat, so I went in search of potato or some other type of flour she could have.

Turns out they didn't have potato flour but they did have coconut flour, and she LOVES coconut so I figured that would hit the mark.

I think maybe tomorrow or Sunday I'll try to make up some delicious crepes with our new coconut flour and see how it goes, I'm sure you will get an update.

I of course took my little Fuji along to get some photos of the strange city in the middle of this lockdown, I'll post them below.

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I swear the pigeons are actually taking over the city.

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The new normal when going out for groceries. Line up, at least one meter apart at all times, the man at the door tells you when you can go in, once he waves you up he will put some disinfectant on your hands, then you must put on gloves, now you are ready to buy groceries with the very few others allowed in the shop at the same time as you.

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It's so strange how quickly we have gotten used to this very strange new procedure.

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Just more empty streets.

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Technically these two are breaking the law, but I won't tell if you don't. You aren't allowed to go out together, even with your spouse, even to the grocery store. Spain has one of the strictest lockdown rules of all Europe right now. We aren't even allowed to go out to excercise. Sabrina and I are obeying the lockdown rules to the best of our ability, and we don't go out together, but I understand others just need to, it's honestly harder than you would think.

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We also got a visit from Mama Bird and her little teeny birds too!! It was so nice to see them all together and still in the neighbourhood. The babies are not babies at all anymore, more like teenagers, but they are still hanging out together as a family. The babies are flying on their own now and you wouldnt be able to tell that they are little ones unless you see them with mama, since she is just a bit bigger. I of course got a couple photos.

And finally, the adorable birdie fam!!

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Also had a great video chat with my family today and that was really nice. Saw my sisters and brothers in law, both my parents and my grampa all at the same time, it was great.

Well that's it for today folks, gonna hit the hay early and try to start waking up at a reasonable time tomorrow, wish me luck

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