Qilimanjaro About To Erupt - Breaking News from Quantum World

It's amazing how technologies have stepped so far by today. We use powerful miniature phones and laptops that, at least, 50 years ago, would occupy the size of entire room. Our era can be characterized as a technological one, but as stated by many scholars and scientists, nowadays we again stand on the verge of technological revolution, driven by the recent developments in the sphere of IT and technologies, underpinned by continuous process of technological modernization and the need to enhance efficiency as classical methods of computation have already reached its limits. New methods are required to solve the ongoing tasks, scientists try to elaborate new ways to save time and space, and against this background quantum computer is believed to be an epitome of a new technological era. Nowadays the biggest companies in the world of technologies, i.e. Google, Intel, Microsoft are chasing after the construction of an operational quantum computer.

But why quantum computer is believed to enjoy primacy over conventional one?

In general, a quantum computer is a device that performs quantum computing. The very idea of quantum calculations was proposed by Yuri Manin and Richard Feynman at the end of the 80-s. Since then the collosal work has been performed to create a quantum version of computer. However, a unversial quantum computer is still under development and this process soroughly depends on the serious progress in the realm of quantum theory.

The main feature quantum computer has is the way it provides information. It means that unlike classical computer that operates on the basis of transistors and silicon chips, using bit-system, a quantum operates on qubit-system (shorten version of "quantum bit"). Bit is known to have two basic states - zero and one, and can only be in one of them. Qubit also has the same basic states, but qubit may take the value of these two states combinations simulteniously. It implies that qubit-based computer is able to process five times more information than classical computer. Moreover, quantum computer doesn't need huge computing powers and RAM, as 100 qubits are sufficient to calculate the amount calculated by trillion bits.

It worths mentioning, there is a big impediment for ordinary people to use a quantum machine because of its cost. However, there is an opportunity to use quantum powers without wasting huge amounts of money. The Qilimanjaro project enthusiasts give us a brilliant opportunity for each individual and company to use this innovative type of technology without a need of buying a quantum computer.

What is the idea?

The Qilimanjaro project idea is to create a quantum cloud platform to promote the Qilimanjaro quantum annealer which serves as an analog to a quantum computer. This project differentiates itself from other known platforms, like D-Wave, the way they protect qubits. Qubits in the Qilimanjaro project work within the framework of this system, been highly isolated. Moreover, the speedup of coherence qubits provides a much more powerful output. There are also two major groups of specialists, namely "Qilimanjaro Computing Services" (QCS) and "Qilimanjaro Software Services" (QSS), who work to offer a pack of tools for both individuals and companies to develop their algorithms. Specialists in both groups enable an acces to a cloud quantum platform, providing an access to users and consulting them to adapt to the quantum cloud architecture.


All in all, taking into consideration that cloud technologies are nowadays an epitome of success for many projects and quantum sphere is under a rapid development, the Qilimanjaro project enjoys simplicity, availibility and utilty, takes into account the growing number of users and, to my mind, has bright prospects in the market of start-ups as it combines one of the most relevant achievements of physics with IT, processes it and works for people. There is a big chance it will "erupt" in the world of IT technologies, just let's wait a (qu-)bit.

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Authored By: x0r2

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