Making Silly Cartoons

This has been in the back of my mind since I was in 5th Grade. Why can't I just make silly uplifting comics? Why do I have to join the rat race? I remember economics class as a sophmore in high school. The teacher asked us to research a favorable career path according to our apptitude.

I wrote:

"I want to be a paperbook writer."

Somehow the teacher interpreted this as a career in journalism. I was not at all interested in writing for mass media and basically decided to go to college even though I had no idea what I was doing there. After a lot more turns I am here today playing with cartoons in an ESL teacher's office in South Korea.

Three years ago I could see myself studying online or gettingting some certificate but never just picking up the drawing board and trying some animations. But it's happening and very slowly I'm getting better at things I only guessed about in the past.

Still I'm pretty flustered that youtube will not allow much growth for channels that "appeal" to kids but that won't keep me from putting my goofy stuff toget

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