Freethinking, Free Range Children are Dissidents and Scientists


“Children learn what they live. Put kids in a class and they will live out their lives in an invisible cage, isolated from their chance at community; interrupt kids with bells and horns all the time and they will learn that nothing is important or worth finishing; ridicule them and they will retreat from human association; shame them and they will find a hundred ways to get even. The habits taught in large-scale organizations are deadly.” ― John Taylor Gatto
If you do not put your children into these deadly public organizations, or "educate" them according to State mandates, bureaucrats and other petty tyrants will become angry and aggressive. They may even send Child Protective Services to kidnap your children, for the most asinine reason, unless you provide them with proper "education."

Ironically, if you choose to unschool your children and teach them that obedience to authority is destructive and dangerous, the State may get angry still.

The tribal engineers and ministers of propaganda want children to exist in a perfect numb stupor, where rote memorization, robotic repetition, biased historical understanding, and obedience to authority represent the pinnacle of their "learning" and "knowledge."

The cultural parasites only want to propagate lemmings who will unquestioningly accept the status quo. They want worker drones who believe that the breadth and scope of their lives should revolve around going to school, getting a job, going to war, getting married, paying taxes, and dying.

Therefore, free range, freethinking children are natural dissidents. The aforesaid agenda will not mesh with their rebellious spirit. Their mentality will be gleefully opposed to the hegemonic structures of this culture.


Freethinking Children are Dissidents in Training

If you dare to teach children how to reason from first principles, understand their emotional worlds, and to think according to their own volition, the mind molders will consider your efforts a bastardization of "good education," because your free range child would then pose an imminent threat to the system.

The overseers do not want autonomous individuals walking the streets. They do not want self-responsible people. They do not want people who think for themselves roaming freely—for it is within these individuals that the rising tide of revolt festers like a pus-filled boil, until it grows so agitated and inflamed that it bursts into an uncontrollable urge to smite the system.

Freethinking children, then, are contrarian by the nature of their upbringing. Their psychology is tuned to the channel of individuality and absolute freedom. If they learn to think instead of become "educated," they will be prepared to not fall victim to manufactured consent and political servitude.

This is why all governmental systems of education must maintain the illusion of education by systematically eroding free thought and willfulness in the minds of the youth, and instead creating loyal, fearful citizens.


The Child is a Dissident and a Scientist

Luckily, the natural tendency of all children is to seek freedom. Children inherently want to explore the world without fetters. They want to live and learn on their own. The child's mind yearns to work out problems without interference. It is no wonder that psychologist Jean Piaget famously referred to the young children he worked with as "little scientists."

It is this inquisitive, yet rebellious energy of the child that beckons all of us to strive for abolition of traditional education. The injustices foisted upon children by these insect-lords who seek to collectivize all uniqueness into a matrix of utter sameness and rigidity must end.

This farming, stamping, controlling, and eating of children is not the birthright of humankind. All people, as demonstrated, just want to be free of controls and violent manipulation...but this desire for freedom begins with nonviolent and peaceful parenting.

So try not to be afraid to raise your children in the way they were meant to be raised, based on their heritage as freedom loving and curious entities. State goons will become aggressive and angry, and may even spout threats, impose sanctions, or try to kidnap your children.

But we must all stand firm.

The more people who reject the byzantine system of failed educational practices, and work to nurture the love of freedom within their children, the stronger and more beautiful we can make the world.

It is time to love our children by respecting their innate desire for freedom and learning...

By helping them destroy all fetters.


My name is Sterlin. Follow me @ Psychologic-Anarchist. I also run the Psychologic-Anarchist Facebook page and produce many YouTube videos. My interests lie in the intersection of counseling psychology and anarchism. I write about the depredations of psychiatry, and also the new philosophy of compassionate anarchism. We have a large community devoted to discussing psychology and relational voluntaryism.

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