Relationship parents and children: you listen to your children?

Growing up, have children and raise a family is often a part of life plans of most people. Next to the realization of these dreams come responsibilities, concerns, lack of time for himself and his companion and hence the daily stress. In the midst of all this run when we got home after a day's work we meet with the family and relax a bit. Right? It is not always so simple! Especially when you have small children, it is when they want to tell their experiences and require full attention of parents. It is at this point that we often need to turn off the outstanding concerns of the day or give up that relaxing bath we would like to take to hear the stories of small! This can be, for many, a difficult process. It requires patience, self-control and very carefully. Is that you? How to act when your child wants to tell you something? Did you give the attention you would like?

Body language is a very important form of communication and, several times, speaks more than words. A very clear example of this is when the father sits down to talk with his son, but his look does not leave the mobile front checking instant messaging or news on social networks. What message do these parents are going through, without realizing it, to act this way? Probably, that their opinions do not matter or are not interested in their children's lives.

Allow yourself to stop and listen
Affection goes well beyond hygiene and food, which are also important, of course! It's something much bigger that requires attention, care, availability and dedication. It is able to make available to listen to the other fact, off their own problems and to empathize with other people's issues. Watch really what is said, talk, exchange experiences and advise their children. These gestures theoretically small and simple make much difference in personality formation and self-esteem of children.

Accept your child what he tells you, realize the importance it has on your life, follow your close experiences, allow you to build a closer relationship between you. The result of these acts generate security, interest and sense of belonging of the small family.

The dialogue between parents and children enables children to learn to express themselves, to recognize their feelings and cope with frustrations and difficulties that may arise ahead lifelong.

She's just a child! She still does not understand.

A very common mistake parents is to believe that, because they are children, they do not understand what is happening and that therefore this type of behavior will not harm them. However, it is exactly the opposite! When we think in the psyches of a person still in formation realize how this process is delicate and can leave marks for life.

The impact of this in the psyche of the little ones will vary according to several factors and the environment in which they develop. Some behaviors may be triggered over time, as these so children tend to begin to shut avoiding talking to parents. They are slowly closing, believing it to be less interesting or intelligent than the others around them. As a consequence we can see the development of excessive timidity. Another possible psychological impact is a low self-esteem that causes the child to grow and become an insecure adult and afraid to make decisions. Examples can be seen in their emotional relationships or building their own family.

Care and attention

The relationship between parents and children is very delicate and requires daily care, in small actions. Children are very attentive to what happens around him and, although small, has sensitivity to realize when their parents are watching them truly.

Stop, think, breathe and talk with your kids! You will be helping to create a safer person himself and able to make good decisions throughout life, and to strengthen the relationship of friendship, complicity and affection between you.

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