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I am broken and other lies I tell myself.

B9E6CA4F-6D52-4CE7-BC27-FA74E872B042.jpegI am broken
I don’t make sense
Nobody likes me
I’m fat
I make crazy faces
I’m crazy
My extra skin, stretch marks, and cellulite are gross
I’m lazy
I’m needy
I’m a failure
I’ve failed my kids
I’m a disappointment.......
🌬What lies do you tell yourself? I don’t actually ever use these words against myself but, when I investigate my anxiety and depression, this is what is lurking. These thoughts have become so ingrained that they don’t even need language anymore. I’m yanking them out into the light. They no longer get to lurk in my subconscious. I’m gonna get really familiar with them so I know the exact flavor of each one. Then I get to choose to change my mind about it. It won’t hold this unseen power over me. My consciousness will get to decide. I would love to hear what weapons you use against your precious human self. 🔮Lets be alchemists together.
