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Get to Know @insight-out

Two weeks ago I was nominated by @dysfunctional to participate in #Get to Know Challenge started by @anomadsoul.

It requires to nominate 5 to 10 of your posts which you think are of a good value and would be interesting for others to see. I am really appreciative to be invited to take part in the challenge by one of the bloggers I visit most often.

However, I have been on Steemit for a relatively short period of time and thus my blog doesn’t quite cover the requirements of the challenge. That is why I decided to present only 3 of my posts and share some behind-the-scenes information.

I experiment a lot with my writing style. I try to make my articles informative, but easy to read… and fun. The latter is my Steemit resolution. One of my personal goals here is to dust my sense of humor and take it out of the shelf where I seem to have left it a while ago.
The next thing which all of my articles have in common is that I always try to share something personal in them. I believe that people are not so different from each other and it will only help them to see that another person feels the way they do. As I love to say: I am a human and nothing human is alien to me.

So, enough talking. Let’s move to my compilation.

Married to an Introvert - Mission Possible?

The original heading of this article was Married to an Introvert. Mission impossible? but I couldn’t make the markdown code work properly (I still cannot do it with the emoji btw :/ )This is a post in which I talk about my experience of an introvert and an extravert being in love. I also discuss the scientific understanding of these personality traits.

What surprised me after I publish this article was the number of introverts who commented it. I somehow expected that there would be many extraverts who will be feeling for me. Instead, there were many introverts feeling for my husband. Lol!

A fun fact: in popular science, it is common to use the word “extrOvert” instead of “extrAvert”. It is incorrect though. In his original text, Jung himself used the term “extrAvert” (from Latin “extra” means “outside”).

What are you – cute or smart? Brothers and Sisters. Part 1

This is the first part of a series about brothers and sisters relationships. I have a younger sister who is an extremely important person to me. We have a very strong relationship and I am so grateful that I have her in my life. Probably that is the reason why I have been interested in the subject since… forever. Actually, I was considering doing my final paper in my bachelor degree on this subject. However, I didn’t do it because I was running out of time and needed a bunch of identical twins for my study to start with :D

On the other hand, research in family relations is mainly focused on the mother-child relationship. There are little papers on siblings’ relationships and how they affect their personality. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to isolate and examine the variables in families. You never know what influences what – is it gender, is it birth order, is it mother (father)-child relationship, is it age gap, is it peer group, etc. Yeah, social science could be a complete mess sometimes :/

However, if you are curious about your brother (sister) and yourself, give it a go.

Vacations & Your Mental Health

To be honest, what I really like about this piece of work is … the front image. It’s so shiny that makes my day every time I see it in my blog list :D

Jokes aside. This is an article which will make you feel less guilty about having a vacation. Who doesn’t like that? Another thing that I like about it is the play on images I made. I tried to bring humor with the pictures and the text beneath them. After all, I was talking about diseases a little too much in there :)

*Behind the curtain – this is the only article of mine my husband has read. *Unfortunately for me, he concluded that I ruin all his vacations because I plan too much. *I guess he is not completely aware that perhaps he will never go on a vacation unless I plan one. He will just grow roots in front of his computer :P

I hope you like my short list of articles. Now, it is time to pass the challenge forward and nominate three other Steemians.

  1. My first choice is a surprising one for me. I have never liked philosophers very much. They talk too much and always make trouble :D However, I kind of like this one. @alexander-alexis has an amazing list of fascinating articles about … well, everything, he is a philosopher after all :P So, Alexander, I can’t wait to see what your picks will be :)

  2. My second nominee is someone who decided to give me a hand without knowing me at all. He and the wonderful @erh.germany delegated me 100 SP to help me grow. Furthermore, he is a person who stands behind @bananafish and @collectiventelligence projects, trying to make Steemit a place for quality content. This is @fenix. I am waiting forward to his list of posts.
    P.S. I invested some of the SP to the minnowbuilder program to help other redfish grow.

  3. My third nominee is a person who I don’t actually know. I ran over his (her) blog by accident while browsing through the @steemstem posts. And I fell in love with his (her) publications immediately. If there is an alternative universe in which I am a cell biologist I would choose the exact same topics as he (she) did. This is @scienceblocks. I am extremely curious about the articles he (she) will choose.

So, I guess, that’s it! The ball is passed forward.

Greeting to you all, @insight-out

Image (under CC0 Creative Commons):