Developing Your Self Sovereignty with Mike Gilliland and Euvie Ivanova

Self sovereignty is something that we’ve been thinking about and learning to practice for a long time. Self sovereignty means being the exclusive controller of one’s own body and life. Other synonyms for it are personal freedom, self determination, and liberty.

It’s a subject we have talked a lot about with our podcast guests as well. In this episode, it’s just Mike and Euvie, and we discuss a fundamental aspect of self sovereignty – sovereignty of mind.

We share some of our stories of successes and failures in learning to practice self sovereignty. We also suggest some ideas, techniques and exercises from our own experience that others can try if they want to gain more sovereignty in their lives. Ultimately, self sovereignty is a deeply personal thing, and something that each person figures out for themselves.

We invite you to explore this important concept in order to better understand and navigate today’s world.

In this episode of Future Thinkers:

  • What is self sovereignty?
  • Self-teaching as an alternative to formal education
  • Left-brained and right-brained goal setting, and how to combine them to achieve loftier goals
  • How reading biographies of people you admire can help change your worldview
  • Why learning how to fail is an important part of the path to freedom
  • Why to increase freedom we must also increase responsibility
  • How the brain constructs our conscious reality
  • Deconstructing belief systems and reality testing
  • Practices and exercises that will help you build your own sovereignty

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