Violence in Education Breaks Down the Purpose of Education


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Every parent pays a small fee for the education of his children, so that his children get a more decent and good education in order to welcome a brighter future. Because parents will do anything for the good of his baby to get the best knowledge in the face of increasingly difficult challenges of the age.

But unfortunately when their children are in education, most parents are sometimes very disappointed with the educational places that have been funded at a very large cost. Because the hope of their children get knowledge, even in the oppression, violence and shame.


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There have been many cases of violence in the frame where education, both verbal violence and physical violence. Examples of verbal violence such as snarling and insulting students with bad language. While examples of physical violence such as slapping, kicking and hitting.

Acts of violence that occurred in the place of education has been going on for very long, not only in one country, but the various places in the world violence in the violence. Should violence not occur in the place of education, because the place of education of children in education with the best education, not by violence.


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Acts of violence in the world of education can occur between teachers and students, or students with pupils. Like a teacher does not like a stupid and stubborn student, after the student has been repeatedly counseled, the student does not obey what the teacher is saying. Then the teacher is angry and can not control his emotions, so do violence by snapping abusively or slap the student. Even cases of violence perpetrated by teachers towards students end up in the legal sphere, causing disruption in the teaching and learning process.

While the act of violence done by the students to other students, usually like there are elements of seniority in one place of education, such as going on juniornya, or even physical violence that caused the death of one of the students. So this action will disrupt the process of teaching and learning in an educational institution, because the focus of everyone's thoughts ranging from the school management, teachers and students focused on the problems that occur.


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The best first step that writers can recommend for the common good of the world of education is that every teacher must work harder in giving knowledge to his students and a teacher must also be able to control the emotions in the world of education, because however shown by the teacher will be in the example by the other disciples, although sometimes the example is not good.

So also with many other factors, a teacher should be able to read the nature and attitude of each student, because this will affect the teaching and learning process in general. The reason could be a disruption in the learning process conducted by a student to another student.


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