Psyber-X / Myria is happening! What's more exciting is community growth!

Hear Ye, hear Ye Myria has adopted Psyber-X as a featured game. What does this mean? I have no idea until there's some AMA or more info. I just know that there's something going on between these two lovers and it could get exciting.


Single PLAYER??? What is going on here? Practise with bots? A Campaign? Who knows!

From previous posts about PSYBER-X I already gave a little info on this albeit PSYBER-X wasn't on the web page. So I don't know much about MYRIA but we can see there's plenty of projects they are advertising or supporting on some level. How Avalanche, HIVE, and L2 ETH (MYRIA) all integrate is something I would like a little more clarity on which I'm sure I will get.


I am including some CONFUSION in this post. I cannot find L2 (ETH) MYRIA token. So I'll just get this out there right now. MYRIA is listed on coingecko and coinmarketcap but it is some social token that I am sure cannot even compare to #HIVE. So don't buy this token, and don't confuse it with MYRIA games.


So again buyer beware! When I know more about the token and what it's worth how to buy how to implement I'll be on it. I only really care about MYRIA because PSYBER-X partnered up. just like #HIVE doesn't have a monopoly on the name; it's the same with other blockchain projects.

So what is there really to write about? Well what actually got me a little excited was seeing some community engagement creating their own content. There will also be writers who create in-game Lore, artwork, who knows how much will be created.

Crediting this YOUTUBE created video from other chains floating around. Looks like Psyber-X is doing it's own job trying to unite different blockchains together.



Enabling digital asset scalability on Ethereum
Myria is a decentralised Ethereum Layer 2, built to scale digital assets, NFTs and blockchain gaming.






"A lot of this sounds silly to people on HIVE, but this is a big deal. Our player base is going to be able to choose where to house their digital assets, our integration back-end is already under development. Psyber-X, and more completely the PsyberVerse, will include a complete bridge to the most active and long-lived smart-contract blockchain in existence.

Myria has offered complete back-end integration, we are diligently reading the docs right now. By leveraging Myria’s Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution, we are able to facilitate gas-free trading of NFTs while inheriting Ethereum’s security!

And a huge community of people dreaming of a good game to play!"

Here's a little more info.

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