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Help in creating a anti suicidal platform

According to various datas available around the globe, In the year 2018 more than 100000 people commit suicide every day. In 2020, more than that figures you could image. Situation is known to all of us. Some of us are trapped in same circumstances and decided to leave this world { suicide} while some of us is still fighting against overpopulation, joblessness, pandemic situation and government irresponsibilities towards poor and middle class people. Some of us has already enough to cope up since some of people has been receiving this stimulus second time. In India there is also a big problem related to unemployment. No students are responsible for this. It's government who are. In such cases, since 2013 the figures of government vacancy for one elite post of PO of bank the statistics fall from 21k to 1500 in 2019 to 2020. Most of state government exams are done under corruption while central government many department are not recruiting students even they clear all examination. No joining from 3 to 8 years ( in some posts)


The problems of many ultimately ends up suicide. This platform basically a social networking platform for the people where you can share your motivational stories, interact with people to motivate them. Give them the ideas to survive and sustain from your basic experience.

Many talents are there many arms we have. And many brains are here too. Many brains stands for many solution. We are also preparing few vast solution to cop up with few problems related to poverty.

This is a big goal and can't be done simply by us. It needs many hands initially.

Honesty is the best policy we believe in! We believe in change. And big change needs funding rather than a lengthy speech.

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