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VOTE AGAINST the 4 week powerdown time reduction proposal.


This proposal is related to reducing the powerdown time to 4 weeks.

Im a bit stretched with time but since this is a topic of discussion for the last year or so I decided to give this one my attention. I currently have a number of things on the agenda. Wer working hard to deliver results with the marketing campaign. We are very close to delivering some important things. COVID has been our enemy as well as current disorganization of the Hive "core team".
That is another thing I will be looking to deal with down the line.

Unfortunately, as it stands now the community doesn't know whos working on what and what exactly is being worked on. Because of that I want to mention a few people: @guiltyparties and @crimsonclad whose contributions do not get enough praise when it comes to dealing with Hive outreach. Their attempt at covering themselves, with work done by others, an essential part necessary for an efficient functioning of an organization like Hive, oftentimes is ignored.
Formalizing a core structure based on niche covered by contributors is something that will need to be done down the line.

To the topic at hand

These are the reasons against the powerdown time reduction I have come across:

  1. Reducing powerdown time will make investors sell their Hive tokens and tank the price.
  2. True believers in Hive will keep their Hive powered up regardless of price action.
  3. If powerdown time is reduced hackers „phishing“ can steal a larger portion of your stake in a week than they could if the powerdown time is 13 weeks.
  4. Hive lacks 2 point authentication.

Most of you have your own opinions on what 4 weeks powerdown means to you and I am sure you will share your opinions. Please do.
But this time, lets move beyond words in comments into action. Hive gives us „tools of Gold“ and as Mene has thought me, Gold isnt that soft at all. 😉

I have talked to one of the large Hive investors and a core team developer and it was made clear to me that adding this change into a future HF would not be too difficult and if the proposal passes the return proposal and the AGAINST proposal in votes, it would be accepted as a change the community/investors want implemented.
I wont name that person because it was not made clear that I should.

I personally also support a 10% Hive redistribution on a instant powerdown and even going down to a 1 week powerdown, but this proposal does not cover that because I feel that kind of change is too big to consider at this time for many. This is simply related to reducing the powerdown time to 4 weeks.
Lets take it one step at a time and make it simple. All other changes can be presented down the line.

I take no responsibility for any code mishap or any results of this change. So make sure you know what youre voting for. Either FOR or AGAINST.

So please VOTE.
Lets stop talking and start doing. The community has the tools to „move mountains“ and putting the responsibility on others, blaming whales, devs, Ned Scott or the lack of dog memes will get us nowhere.
Because of that, here is Nala, that im making an official Hive maskot. (send protests to my DMs) We might not have Akita Inus or Shiba Inus but we have a Samoyed telling you to Vote! And Samoyeds for sure trump all doges out there.

Vote here FOR the powerdown time reduction: