I look at the future with the mind's eye. The more, the better.

I look at the future with the mind's eye. The more, the better. A slightly more extravagant quote exposed from a Romanian writer - Mihail Mataringa.

The field of Artificial Intelligence exploded in 2023, this after the madness created by CHAT GPT. And this was also noticed in the cryptographic market - yep, there are many cryptocurrencies focused on the field of AI with huge increases in the last month. Finally, to clarify a little about this blog post, it will not be about cryptocurrencies, but a small generalization of what could await us in the future - rendered from a personal point of view.

So far it looks like the AI ​​will be fine - we don't have much to worry about. However, in the future things would become at another level where such artificial intelligence, if it is malicious or if it will be manipulated by people who do not respect integrity and human values, could take control of the entire Internet ( our Metaverse ) thus disrupting everything: systems of defense and military, banking, payments, telecommunications, healthcare, transportation, power distribution and other key sectors. It is possible that wars can break out or someone in particular could create world chaos in just a few days. At the moment, humanity is in a race against time in climate warming, desertification, no rain, migrations, these should worry us, and many are not even aware of the danger to which we continuously expose ourselves.

I like technology and i continue to be fascinated by technology, following its evolution with great enthusiasm. However, i can't help but express my concern about the evolution of this environment, which is starting to expand more and more. I don't think technology itself is bad - in general no technological tool is bad. It could only become bad when it falls into the wrong hands - into the hands of a person or groups of people who want to hold absolute power by any means. I think that technology would work flawlessly only in an ideal world where we all want the good of the other, which seems not really possible in the reality in which we continue to live our lives. Or maybe that ideal world could even be possible, but we still have a lot to learn.

The reality is that there will always be people with interests or various negative intentions - various human characters who will always pursue their own interests, and i can even say that with the passage of time people are increasingly selfish and pursue their own good more and more - in no case the common good. Why is this happening in our society considered to be civilized!!? - I would honestly like to know.

At the moment, my prediction - my personal opinion is that AI will continue to develop so much that you will no longer have the right to an opinion - something that has been sought to be implemented in the digital world, over time. Think about those rules and regulations imposed by certain authorities over time. Yep, you will no longer have the exercise to think one way or another, but you will choose what will be "recommended". Human freedom will be increasingly restricted, being dominated by the imperious "common of good". What else does "common good" mean in those conditions!!?

At the moment there is some dependence in certain development plans - that is, we will become so dependent on this system, and maybe we are even in certain fields, that we will no longer be able to live outside of it. For example, the fierce desire of the future financial system (CBDCs) which will probably be implemented soon by the disappearance of physical cash (banknotes and fiat currencies). Currently there are countries experimenting with that type of project where you will be easily tracked. The future of technologies should represent freedom in no way the limitation of liberties.

I'm sure that we are all aware of the fact that one day, practically all money will be digital and you will be restricted in many ways, such as limited amounts of use, area of ​​use, what to buy and what not to buy, how much fuel to buy per month, even the freezing of any transactions for various reasons if you do not align with certain ideologies or the state (which may also have hidden interests). Well, anyway the state has hidden interests and ideas - well-defined plans that will be applied with real finite meticulousness. Practically because of those interests, there have always been and will be human beings who will suffer enormously - in any system there are people who will practically die of hunger.

Ok, look from your point of view a simple more strange idea!!!....- What would it be like to die of hunger, with a full bank account, just by not obeying the law, which under conditions of total control can you pursue something other than your real good!!? Ok, just out of curiosity, is someone of umong us have heard a such strange cases been recorded so far!!?

Finally, let's try to move on. The future sounds good but, at the same time, it would also be bad, maybe more than bad. Maybe in the future there won't even be any currency and the value will be you yourself, based on history, behavior, abilities, ideologies, etc., which will be possible to weigh with the help of artificial intelligences. I say this only when i think about the fact that maybe in the future, someone in particular will come out in public and say that this is how we will eliminate fraud and corruption.

Ok, out of innocent curiosity, how would you proceed in the place of those competent authorities regarding the elimination of fraud and corruption from society!!? What methods would you use to change those negative mindsets that can destroy the collective good!!? Ok, ok that's optional - I honestly can't figure out what would please everyone either. Regardless of the regime in power, there will always be people who will oppose that form of leadership, .... yep there will always be certain types of grievances presented.

A small note - All images are taken from Pixabay.com

Thanks😊 for your valuable time on this blog post. All 🙋the best to everyone🌍.

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