E15-Clarity about the 10 Step to become part of the Solution

Since the Greek physician Hippocrates (c. 460 โ€“ c. 370 BC) humans have used words to describe themselves, that is with personally-neutral self-destructive models. The above is the one out of 576 possible models that does justice to me in terms of the wordy realm. Imagine putting them all in words through literature and then generalizing it all intellectually via philosophy-psychology to get what people think they are, as a "Human". The rest is the corresponding misleading history of the limelight of the zeitgeist - no wonder, still NOBODY can understand anybody else, let alone self that way:

And now follows what beyond the terrible reduction to a "human", organized science has missed altogether about me, reducing my potential to my comfort zone in the judgmental value range from >1 very bad, >2 bad, 3> unsatisfactory, 4> satisfactory, >5 good >6 very good.
Those who still go along with this thinking catastrophe called the 'humanities', freak out at this point - lacking words, they can use to argue with, their trauma of having failed in proper science, strikes with insubstantial temperament - if they could sacrifice me as their scapegoat, they would. I have experienced before charming professors in that state...

For the others who are still experiencing their conscience, I shall now highlight the clarity about the steps I have obtained with the 4th Faculty of Science, beyond the curse by those with a merely intellectual mindset:

  1. We are not here to >1,2,3,4,5,6 prejudge our innate human selves, but to understand each other! This is made possible for you with the one out of 1728 possible open-ended generative principles that does justice to your Life- through Task-Fulfillment.

  2. Then you need to consider the O-Orientation about the point of NO return where the 8 OPTION I, dark inner evil voices %1-5-6, +2 versus -4, 3, ?0, ZG- zeitgeist, otherwise disrupts you in your X-innate substance, for instance in 'humanizing' your ability to befriend someone to the point of a desirable relationship. Isn't that what communication should be about, rather than disrupting each other in competing about mass-attractivity?

  3. Then take it that the average of >1,2,3,4,5,6 among a large enough collective manifests as 3.6; in itself the self-destruction constant of the zeitgeist; I am at 3.9, that is 108% of that constant, just under >4, not quite qualifying for peace - which for me is not the purpose at any cost.

  4. Then become aware that one half of the possible substantial interactions are focus on topics, the other half on relationships; my respective > averages to qualify are 2.75 and 5.13; the latter is generally higher, drilling deeper what topic can only highlight. The overall average for me is 3.9. Now after all this abstraction and averaging, as necessary as they are, let us see what is sufficient for OPTION II in the image above:

  5. Children obviously have physical growth phases, similarly each and everybody has 5-year cycles (5yc) of inner growth. This understanding of people's life is a horror to scribes in their word TRAP which are only used to impress with psychological words to make people part of their problem of the self-destructive denotations of words! That is why some people end up in what is called a PRE-TRANS-TRAP a narcistic mindset despising its TRANScendence, fighting off any thing that PREceds its cult as an insult, say at 17 under OPTION I, substantially dying away from their despised TRANS-OPTION II, to end up buried some decades later as means and resources cannibalizing zombies...

  6. In each 5yc a new inner resource needs to be fulfilled beyond OPTION I. I began my 1st 5yc by learning to develop my general ยง1-right of expression, specifically about getting, and making use of my h=living space, which I developed up to a Ph.D. in Laboratory Astrophysics, modeling something like re-entry conditions (30'000 degree plasma at 17 Km/sec). This way I gradually qualified my h in working out so far >1 very bad understanding towards making that T-topic applicably operational in theory and practice.

  7. In my 9th 5yc (40-45) I experienced my X-innate substance (1st year), and began to practice fulfilling it (year 2), gained clarity (year 3), widened my freedom in my comfort zone (year 4) towards the transition year 5, to the next H1-5yc...

  8. Above the TB-line you find what needs to be fulfilled, e.g. in the B5-5yc, my X-being with my innately basic OPTION II; 9Pp#13, with F9-life-function (basic overview) applied in Pp-preparing corresponding processes, something the world usually frames as its lowest intellectual level of its 12-level hierarchy, that of the most people disturbing People#1Prophet#3.
    => Please accept,
    that this site is an overview (F9) for a Pp-training for which you need to register beyond just arguing from your intellectually stubborn comfort zone's point of view to turn me down with my lowest intellectual#13 position, where in his country any prophet is suppressed. So, the intellect demeans my 9Pp substantial point of view by avoiding standing. How about you with your OPTION II? Do you stand up in view of what I point to, or does jealousy make you go along with the politically correct ones, misinterpreting my task-fulfillment and my as part of the solution, castrating your own OPTION II, just to please like-minded others - to remain part of them, as part of the problem...

  9. What determines whether you remain part of the problem or become part of the solution is whether your comfort zone remains self-determined to go on qualifying your 5yc, 5-year cycles with your OPTION II, or whether you let your comfort zone getting engulfed by OPTION I (such as the EU tries with Switzerland)? In the latter case your levels 1-6 are simply used to value judge what you should quality in dealing with. Then say a nurse in the emergency ward would become >1 very bad, certainly, when she does no longer >1 qualify in saving lives but does the easier job of a death angel. So consider the consequences when you refuse to understand the above but argue yourself stubbornly out of your OPTION II, suppressing it in favor of your conditioned OPTION I, to avoid any further orientation in jealousy of those who uses it, mere by letting your intellect giving in to your temperament as your fig leaf - some intellectuals more sophisticated (%1-5-6) than overt liars (?0), traitors with hidden agendas (+2/-4), primitive criminals (*3), and those part of the elite, as zeitgeist riders (ZG) who confuse God the Creator, with the ZG-zeitgeist, pretending to represent it!

  10. Become aware, that organized science has a narcistic nature; it is in 'love' with its own mass-attractivity with its empathy, never mind just for itself, leaving sheople in the vane hope to being included as well. In fact, human cultures are still a wordy, intellectually formally closed, self-destructive systems of mutual admiration societies. The latter control their cults by PRE-TRANS-TRAPs which disrupt the substance of any real human systems' for personally relevant Life- through Task-Fulfillment. Intellectual history proves that in its stubborn nature, it is a suppressive curse for humanity in following-up the glorification of the forbidden fruits of the tree of arrogantly applied M-manipulation Know-how, ignorant about O-relevant orientation, in the vain attempt to avoid
    the M / O = STRESS < DEATH consequences, by %6-projecting them to suitable scapegoats, of whom they are jealous for their fulfillment gained from daring to TRANScent OPTION I before the point of NO return!

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