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Trust me if I tell you that a new wordl is now easier to create even with the speed of light, people can now create a new civilization, a new invention or technology, it is now faster than you can even think of.

The first thing is you can easily indoctrinate any set of people immediately after you are a famous person, a very typical examples are social media influencers who at the beck and call of having a thousand followers or even a million followers can easily push a wrong ideology doctrine or philosophy and people buy it.

The list is endless about what social media influencers have done from influencing their average low-earner followers to buy products that they don't need so that they can be more famous or creating ideology that has broken homes into a diverse sprey The list is just endless and we are just beginning to have this kind of sporadic diseases that are eating given deep to our society.

It is not easy to stop because any social media influencers that millions of people follow have the ears of all his or her followers thereby the work should be on the social media influencers especially the famous ones not on the followers, the followers are just dummies following a leader whom they don't know which is a very critical issue.

Trust me we live in a very delicate world and things are not even changing for good.

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