Is it easy to move from Instagram to Ecency/Hive?

Finally! A good friend of mine joined hive! (more about it & him after my rant)

I have been talking to friends and acquaintances about hive. (Relatives too - remember my bro?). I have even shown them my account and how it works. But after that, I have left them on their own. To do their own research and take their decisions.

But it is not always easy for someone who has a 'settled' life to try something brand new, especially when it is about certain 'term's that they cannot understand.

Some of the terms that it is not easy to grasp?

  • rewards
  • reputation
  • upvotes
  • web3
  • community
  • not to mention blockchain, wallet, earning etc
  • hp, rc and a bunch of other stuff

I am sure that my friend @learningpages understands perfectly what I mean! It takes a while for someone to learn more about hive and how they can use it.

This is why most of the people who join here, usually stay only when they can easily understand how to ask someone (or even better have a friend that they can ask on the spot)

This is also why I will create a very easy (and free) course about hive (in the coming months)

I have some ideas about what an app (i.e. @ecency) can do to new users who download it, in order to (potentially, hopefully) increase new user's retention.

My friend @mpapadomanolakis joined today.

Manos comes from Crete, Greece and he is an amazing photographer. I admire him a lot because he is always looking ahead, he has an open mind for new things and projects to try out and he was positive for trying out hive! He is a photographer and daily user of apps like Instagram. Producing long form content is not easy for him. But even so, I thought that he will be able to bring something fresh and new in our platforms!

I invited him to download @ecency app (on Android), gave some first directions and have let him time to explore - until the next time that I will share some more info with him!

His first question was: "Where do I upload a photo from?"
I told him that he should use the little 'pencil'

I told him about a title and text, and how to upload a photo - but did not tell him about communities / hashtags yet. I want him to first feel comfortable using the app.

Here are a few ideas that could help out new users!

Could ecency send the users notifications i.e.

  • Write your introductory post! Click on the pencil, use the tag introduce-yourself and let the community discover you!
  • Want to write short posts? Try out Ecency waves, by clicking on the .. waves! (left to the pencil)
  • Do you have a question? Click on 'waves' and post your question!
  • We missed you! Come check out the newest posts! (i.e. if a user has not done any action for a few days)
  • Did you know that when you upvote (upvote = like = click that arrow of up direction), both you and the user earns rewards?
  • Ecency Points! You can earn them simply by being active in-app! Check out your wallet to see how much you have. Do you know how to use them?
  • Did you know you can promote a post using your ecency points?

(And I can think of many other messages to send to the user, depending on their habits)

I think it is not always easy to start learning and participating to a brand new platform, especially if you are already an avid and successful user in other platforms. (My friend has thousand of followers on Instagram).

So we need to motivate them, give them the necessary information and guidance.

In the past, I was a proud member (and mentor) in stemsocial. When a member wanted to join, of of the mentors was with them every step of the way.

Is there a similar initiative by ecency? Imagine if someone joined and they just could reach out to a volunteer mentor! That would be amazing!

Let me know your thoughts!

Thanks for taking the time to read all this

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