And they're off... Control the Unvaccinated in one lane, in the other lane The Nuremberg Code.

It is hard not to notice in this era of lawlessness that those in favor of the propagandists and elites can violate laws with impunity. I still haven't seen any accountability when they are caught. When it looks like one of them might finally get some accountability they conveniently commit "suicide" in closely guarded jail cells before they can present any defense or evidence.


On the flip side if you are against those elites at some point they can decide to call you a terrorist, an insurrectionist, the unvaxxed, etc. They can stick you in solitary confinement for months completely violating all of your rights and removing any remaining vestige of due process. Their propaganda engine will be going to town full throttle to cover for them and convince the indoctrinated masses that tune in for their regularly scheduled PROGRAMMING in exactly how they should think. These cult like minions that have no idea of how the incremental erosion of rights and the gradual moving of the goal posts over time has made them willful subjects and supporters of things that they never would have considered in the past. This is generally how totalitarian, authoritarian, and dictatorial regimes have operated in the past. As far as I know one or more group of people are dehumanized and they manage to convince their subjects that those they have defined as somehow subhuman should be eliminated for the good of everyone else. These unthinking servants will go along with it yet occasionally something might get too close to one of them and they might ask some questions. Into the subhuman category they will quickly be sent. They may even be dragged there by their bloodthirsty neighbors... "Burn the witch", "Stone the blasphemer", "Kill the vile spreader of plague", etc.

(Image Source: - hah... irony)

Now Australia is leading the charge in some of the craziest overreach and inhumanity. Perhaps those leaders really want to enshrine their names in history.

They need to get to the top of the depravity heap before everyone else!

I know this insanity is exploding all over the world and in places people are trying to fight back and resist. Bravo! Bravo people of France! Bravo to people in European Countries that are protesting the United Nation's "Great Reset".

One thing I know is that NONE OF YOU reading this have ever voted for or elected anyone for the United Nations. So why do we let an unelected board rule the planet? Oligarchs? Feudalism? Plutocrats? Technocrats?

(Image Source:

With that said I am going to switch gears and focus on the United States. Why? That is where I live. It is what I know best. Whatever I mention about the United States there are likely similar things happening in many other places around the world right now. I hope the best to ALL of you resisting this no matter which country you are in.

Stop the unvaccinated

The narrative is that the explosion of COVID breakout cases is due to the unvaccinated even though the vast majority of cases are actually occurring in the vaccinated. You can look at countries where virtually all of the population was vaccinated and they have had huge surges of the so-called "Delta" variant. In addition, some people (children) who are not vaccinated and are in the group that previously had not many issues with COVID are now being infected by the vaccinated. Vaccinated parents have been infecting their unvaccinated children.

That doesn't fit the narrative. The narrative is the hospitals are being overrun by unvaccinated COVID patients. You know a very similar narrative they used early in this plandemic when they said the hospitals were overrun but they didn't even bother to use the hospital ships provided for those cases, or many of the other emergency facilities. I spent some time in the hospital last week. I can tell you from what I saw it is a lie. I am hearing this from many other places as well.

Yet now they have been floating the idea of banning travel between states unless you have a vaccine passport. This violates the Constitution and Bill of Rights by the way but they long ago started using that as rolling paper for whatever it is they are smoking, and toilet paper the rest of the time. No accountability. If nothing is done to them when they are caught breaking the law why would they stop? They have pushed past the "or else" line long ago and nothing happened. Now they are fine if people just talk, investigate, and issue threats. They have seen no follow thru so they have no fear of those threats. I can understand why. If I was on their side I'd be rolling on the floor laughing anytime I heard someone else saying they were going to investigate or subpoena someone. "Look we are burning it all down and they are still just talking..."

(Image Source:

There are a growing number of people advocating to essentially send the unvaccinated into concentration camps. That is where the dehumanization plan is leading. We know where this leads in history and when they come for you if you are unvaccinated it is better to go down fighting. The threats must become ACTUAL to those oppressing us. They cannot remain empty threats. I am not telling you to go forth and take action. That would be on you. I am saying when/if they come for you that you need to defend yourself. They have proven they don't care one bit about the law, justice, due process, or equal rights. They don't even need evidence at this point.

(Image source:

Nuremberg Code

Beginning of the Nuremberg Code

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.

On the other hand EVERY SINGLE person with the authority to do so who has issued any kind of mandates or coercive acts to force people to take the vaccine has violated the Nuremberg Code which is international law. The penalty is death as it is written in the code. If the evidence is there (give them a fair trial) then this sentence must be carried out. We are partially in this mess due to the unequal application of the law. We are partially in this mess due to protected classes of people believing they are untouchable by the law. We need to shatter that belief and return the rule of law. The message must be swift. It must be to the letter of the law. It must be fair and equal.

I stress the fair and equal because we cannot fix this problem by committing the same crimes that these evil jerks have done. We can never fix the law and return to a system of equal justice if we continue to violate rights and say it is okay simply because we don't like the person that it is being done to.

(Image Source:

For justice to work it must be applied equally to everyone whether you love them or hate them. There can be no special treatment due to your opinions of the people.

Right now the system is incredibly corrupted and it is being ruled by opinions.

There are others that given a trial can likely be found guilty of treason. The penalty for that is also death in the United States.

We have grown too soft. We have been turned into the "Don't hurt the animals", "don't treat prisoners inhumanely", etc. type of people. I understand why we ended up here and this too was incremental. It is not in line with reality and how nature itself operates. It is trying to ignore nature. The same people that talk about Gaia and saving the planet often completely push support for ideas that are completely at odds with nature. Treating the people that violently attack others, or who harm a lot of people with kindness is not NATURAL. It is what we have called for awhile bleeding hearts.


You know what happens if your heart starts bleeding? You bleed to death.

I am speaking harsh. I'm done with the dance. The dance has lead to rot and ruin. I want my feet firmly planted on the ground. I want to stare reality and nature in the face and say "It sucks, but I get it."

I know many of you reading this will not agree. That is fine. I don't expect you to.

If you are one of those that comes for me to vaccinate me against my will. I will do my best to kill you. If you manage to vaccinate me and I get free. I will hunt you and those that assisted you down.

So your best bet is to stop pussy footing around and just walk around shooting the unvaccinated in the head.

If you manage to pull it off and all of you are dying from your own stupid mindless consumption of so-called vaccines that don't work you'll not have any of us to blame. You may still try. Yet you'll die all the same.

My advice to you if you really trust these big pharmaceutical companies and their vaccines. Take them. If they work you are safe. If the unvaccinated can get you sick then the vaccine doesn't work.

Or you could wake the fuck up and join those of us that believe in freedom of choice. I make my choices. I am responsible for the consequences of my choice.

At the very least you can stop supporting people that are dehumanizing your fellow citizens based upon choices.

I'll tell you now...

I don't think you'll win if you go down the forcing people path. You'll wake the sleeping giant and you'll die.

The unvaccinated are no threat to you unless you take away their right to choose.

Make your choice. The consequences are yours.


Now they will try to claim it is no longer experimental in an attempt to end run around the Nuremberg Code. They may be coming way more heavy handed than they already have due to this nonsense.


Link - The Epoch Times






















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