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Weekly Update 7-14

The HIVE Buzz

This week in curation sucks my APR is so low now its almost negative. The end of the HF25 interchange really dropped hard on me as I had to change my tactics back to the usual vote at the front end of post dates and not the back end. Next week should level back out as the posts being voted on will start to reach payout and the curation should return to above normal (which is not saying much). For all those that actually read this give the upvote and follow me (drop a comment so I can upvote it for the both of us.)

The LEO Roars

POB where are you. Along with the lower curation rewards this week in hive the POB and other curation rewards dropped off like flies. Not to worry they should be back soon.

The RisingStarGame on the other hand just released its World Tour special missions in which you spend 1.0 StarPro to gain entrance to the mission and once finished you earn a NFT card called a wrist band. Once a week a new mission will be offered and so that makes 52 new cards that you can earn and each card earned grows your fans by 25 which increases the maximum StarBits you can earn on other missions in the game.

The Essential Ecency

The HIVE keeps flowing in from the delegation to ecency and the points are stacking up (guess I need to make more posts than one a week). But the overall total value is dropping (curation rewards were not bad just for me i guess). And so we will wait to see the offset from the new HF25 voting practices.

## Links for games and freebies

Steem Nova

Holy Bread

Rising Star Game


Free Bitcoin