The Seer entered the scene with a bowed head. He couldn't bear the sight. As he entered, My Uncle Echoed;

"Great eagle eye of the gods, I greet you."

"Why have i been summoned to step on stained clouds and inhale the disgusting treason that filled the air."

"Great one, we seek your help to expose the culprit."

"Do you really need my help to do that? The culprit stands here in our midst."

"Tell us who this culprit is, then we shall unleash the wrath of the law."

"I have no power to point an accusing finger at as royal cloud."

"Then how do we know the culprit?"

"The one who would assume the throne at the death of His Royal Highcloud is the culprit."

He said as he left the scene with his head bowed.

"Seize the first prince, he is obviously the culprit. He is the rightful heir to the throne."

They seized me, locked me up in the dungeon and prepared for my trial. While locked up, my mother, the Queen Cloud Visited Me.

"Dear son, I know you didn't kill your father."

She said weeping.

"But mother, every evidence points towards me, the seer said it himself."

"The seer didn't mention your name, besides we both know that you wouldn't assume the throne at the death of your father."

The trial came and I was found guilty.

"Prince Jumoranta, First Prince Of The Royal Clouds. You are hereby stripped of your title and sentenced to roam the Dark Clouds"

It is better you are killed on the spot than sentenced to the dark cloud. The dark cloud is more like the land of spirits and the dead. No one has ever made it out of the dark clouds alive.

Stepping into the dark clouds, I felt myself falling through space, my wings didn't seem to work, I finally landed hard on a sandy desert. In front of me stood a young angel in white.


"I'll be your guide here. Call me hades.
Now get up and and move to the north."

She disappeared into the clouds.

I walked aimlessly for a while then all of a sudden the floor behind me started sinking. At A distance, I saw my mother, she was looking quite young. Surrounding her were my siblings and I, we were merely baby angels then.


Suddenly, the Queen mother started eating the baby angels. Hades popped up again.

"To make it out of here, take this knife and pierce her heart."

"I'd never hurt my mother."

"This is not your mother, but a beast wearing her skin."

"I still can't, I'll rather sink."

The earthquake was getting closer, just then I saw my mother shed blood and I sank into the dust. Once again I fell through space and landed in a dark place. On getting up, I realized that I was surrounded by fierce barking wolves.

"Take this!"

Hades said throwing A flaming sword to me.

"Violence is not always the solution."


I said as I stood bravely facing the wolves trying to get into their head, one of the things I learned as a zoo keeper on earth.

Surprisingly It worked and the wolves ran away. But that was just the beginning. There came An angry dragon which released flames uncontrollably. I ran as fast as I could trying to get to safety. The dragon followed close by, nearly burning me to ashes. I finally got into a spot where it couldn't get to me.

"Hades! How do I get out of here"

I screamed almost crying.

"I thought you don't need my help.
Now take this shield and try and pierce that sword through his left heart."

I took the shield and matched out, the dragon's flames couldn't penetrate the shield, but it definitely made the shield so hot. I noticed that the dragon wasn't spitting the fire on purpose, but it was trying to vomit something stuck in it's throat.

"I can help you feel better!"

I screamed as i lowered my weapon as a sign of surrender. But I kept my shield up because it never stopped expelling fire.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

Hades yelled at me. I ignored her and kept on talking to the dragon.

"I can help release you from your pain, I won't hurt you I promise."

I was making signs on my throat to make it understand that I knew what it was going through. Slowly it finally stopped spitting fire, lay on the floor and groaned in pain.

I walked up to the mighty dragon, believe me my heart was in my mouth. I had no idea if this was it's way of luring it's prey.

I tried to get e dragon to sleep, then with my sword, I cut part of his throat and gently brought out the skulls that blocked his breathing pipes. With the flames of my sword, I stitched him up. Just then the dragon woke up, almost about to roast me alive. When it realized that his pain was gone, he made a joyful noise.

"I'll take that as a thank you."

It smiled at me, or I thought it did, then it bent low signaling me to hop on it's back. I hopped on and we flew away into the clouds. As we flew over the dark clouds, I saw horrible monsters below that awaited me to enter their territory and get devoured. That was when I realized that I would never have made it out of the dark clouds without this dragon ride.

Finally we came to A stop. At A distance, I saw hades standing at what seemed like an exit. I walked up to her, and for the first time Hades was smiling.

"You have finally made it to the other side of the dark clouds. This has never happened. Never before and probably never again."

"So... I'm free to leave now?"

"Yeah. But we have A gift for you. Out of the three gifts, you must choose one."

"I'm not sure I deserve a gift."

"You sure do... Now choose
Gift of Becoming A god
Gift to Kill the true murderer of your father
GIFT OF LIFE for your father."

"Oh! I'll give anything to see my father live. I'll choose that please."

"One more thing. You should know my duty here was to make sure you never made it out of here. But you came here with a human heart and not with the heart of a cloud Angel."

"Farewell Jumoranta. First prince of the Royal Clouds."


I walked through the exit, I was hit with a blinding light. I opened my eye realized that I was seated in our family dining, surrounded by my relatives having a feast. I looked across the table and saw my father seated in his position and I smiled deeply.

         THE END

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