Twitter alternative Hive already had to shutdown its app to fix critical security issues!

Having a competing HIVE dominating the news headlines with negative stories is both good and bad for HIVE!

It's good for our HIVE, and bad for their HIVE, but it's also bad for our HIVE when the news tries to make it look like our HIVE just to try to confuse people.
The worst thing is when I search hive blog news, all I get is a bunch of news about HIVE Social. If you haven't heard HIVE Social is a "New Twitter Competitor" with security issues, now generating negative press for HIVE. Even though this hive doesn't have anything to do with us, it's still out there slandering the name in the same social media space. Could this latest news about HIVE Security even be part of the reason why the price of HIVE (our coin) went down?

The latest drama with HIVE, HIVE SOCIAL has security flaws!

As of the time of writing this article, I'm not sure if their security flaws have been fixed, quite frankly I don't want to know because I'm not planning on signing up to find out.

According to researchers HIVE Social (not to be confused with us) has some very severe security holes that can be exploited, leaving everyone who was using it vulnerable to hackers. This is such a bad flaw that HIVE Social had to shut down their servers until the problem is fixed. Source:TechCrunch

Screenshot 2022-12-05 at 5.41.55 PM.png

CNN seems to be the worst writer out there when it comes to HIVE headlines.

I don't know if CNN did this on purpose, but by mentioning HIVE in a headline (at the bottom of this image) with "Gain Steam" it almost seems like a jab at us since we were from steemit. Since the story isn't about us I think the headline is in poor taste and was chosen purposely just to antagonize us Hiveans.
Screenshot 2022-12-05 at 5.39.28 PM.png All this bad news containing the name HIVE and social media could spell trouble for our brand! CNN should have to refer to HIVE Social (The Full Name when writing about them)

I think CNN and all the other news agencies know exactly what they are doing, they are trying to make us look bad without implicitly saying anything about us.

It kind of feels like all the media news writers are ghosting our HIVE every time they make a story about the other HIVE without ever mentioning a thing about us. Why would our site not be as viable of a Twitter competitor as HIVE Social? It seems to me like we are way bigger, more robust, and substantial, and have tighter security than HIVE Social, and technically we have already won the battle since our site never goes down. haha

It seems like every one of these stories could easily have mentioned how our HIVE is actually doing a better job at solving security, censorship, and decentralization than the now flailing security-plagued HIVE Social that may or may not be fixed yet, but no writer ever would dare to mention us in their HIVE articles, because for some reason we don't really exist! lol

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