HIVE Glass - Half Empty or Half Full? 🕵️🚰🫧🥤🥛🧃🍧🍨🥃🍸🍷🍹🥂

unnamed.jpg "Is the glass half empty or half full?"

I'm still a "Half Full HIVE Guy"

I believe the HIVE glass is at least half full, or better yet I think it's overflowing! Luckily I can still remember the time when I was buying HIVE at .08 cents a few years ago, and that's one of the main reasons why I'm still holding on today. I'm holding because this HIVE crypto coin has been a phenomenal investment for me, ever since that day.

If you have the time, you're going to want to invest in HIVE because HIVE plus TIME equals Money! HIVE has become very useful to me these days thanks to all the utility this coin has to offer. It seems to be the very best coin for crypto development, in just a few years I've managed to set up lucrative businesses on HIVE that constantly pay me money 24/7, setting up income streams with HIVE is the wave of the future, and the sky's the limit, so I don't think this glass will drain out and go dry any time soon. I love HIVE a lot, it has everything I ever hoped a crypto coin could have, and more, so I think it will be here to stay for the long run, so don't let those haters fool you when it comes to HIVE.

Screenshot 2022-11-18 at 3.30.43 PM.png Crypto Winter Bears Crossing, Original Art by Ai, ordered up by @coininstant! lol

You may hear a lot of people complaining about the "Bear Market" and the HIVE drop, but I just don't see it that way.

Just because HIVE was up to $3.41 for a few minutes doesn't make or break this coin, and definitely doesn't give us a good frame of reference to judge it from. The HIVE pump was just a blip on the radar, it was a fleeting glance from the crypto gods to show us what we could achieve one day if we actually set our hive minds to it & work really hard getting great projects done. HIVE isn't a lottery ticket, it's not a "Soon Lambo" in your garage, HIVE is a state of mind. You either got HIVE or you don't, so when you hear people whining and crying about the HIVE price, the bear market, and how crypto is dead, the best thing to do is not to subscribe to the petty talk and dirty water they are trying to pour down your throat.

HIVE is still here, HIVE is working, HIVE is ALIVE, HIVE is Thriving, and most importantly 1 HIVE will always equal 1 HIVE, no matter what the price. With all of that in mind, I honestly think the HIVE glass is definitely half full, and nowhere close to half empty.

Screenshot 2022-11-18 at 3.30.25 PM.png
What do you think the HIVE cup is half full of? Please let me know in the comments below. The HIVE cup is half full of _______!

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