Happy Thanksgiving!

Traditional Thanksgiving Turkey, Part I

When the Pilgrims left England for a better life, in September, 1620, finally, after a couple of failed attempts, they crossed the Ocean Blue (Atlantic), and landed in Cape Cod, where I spend most of my year. They came ashore, in rough shape, after an arduous journey. There's no doubt, they never would have made it thru that first harsh, were it not for the Payomet tribes of Native North Americans. After managing to get settled and started the next spring, legend has it, the Pilgrims held a feast to thank their local native hosts, who taught them to survive on the local flora and fauna.

The American Thanksgiving Tradition is a reminder that, we all have much to be thankful for, including those first Pilgrims, who left for a better life. The meal: Turkey (Turkey's are native to Massachusetts in huge numbers, to this day), some sort of stuffing (I do a bread stuffing), local cold hearty vegetables (Potato, Squash, etc), and cranberries (again, a big Mass Native crop). are typically served.

Above: The business end, no good thanksgiving meal is complete, without someone shoving a fist into that cavity. Sure, some claim it's to stuff the stuffing, but let's face it, there are some weardo's in the world.


Above: Like many tasty meals, Stuffing Begins with Butter in a pan. I then dice some celery (last of my home grown!), Dice some white, red, and yellow onion, also from my garden.
Below: Sautéing the savory bits, in butter, before adding the cubed toasted bread. Seasoning with Sage

I make the stuffing the day before, so, one less item to deal with in an already busy day.

Stuffing, the Stuffing

Buttering the Butterball

I make a decent amount of the stuffing, after filling the cavity with stuffing, and the neck area, I use a baking dish to cook any extra, and will mix the stuffing cooked in the dish and the stuffing cooked in the bird.

I make a decent amount of the stuffing, after filling the cavity with stuffing, and the neck area, I use a baking dish to cook any extra, and will mix the stuffing cooked in the dish and the stuffing cooked in the bird.

I like my turkey skin nicely toasted and crispy, and my turkey meat moist. to that end, I take butter, and slice into the skins, and tuck the bits of butter inside. Also, I rub butter on the outside of the skin, to get that brown, crispy taste.

Smashed Potato

Above: Garlic Smashed Potato, skins on, is one of many side dishes served here, at Blue's house.
Below: Apple Cinnamon Butternut Squash

Sorry, @dreemsteem but this recipe was too good not to try. Maybe if you make it, you can forget to add the cinnamon. Cubed Butternut Squash, cubed apple, and cinnamon. Baked into goodness.

It's Good To Be a Gardener

Growing My Own Brussels Sprouts

Above: Growing Brussels Sprouts
Below: Pan Seared, with Olive Oil and Pink Himalayan Sea Salt

Above: The Glaze begins with Honey
and finishes with Maple Balsamic Vinegar

Pan Seared Brussels Sprouts with Balsamic Maple Glaze

If you follow me, you know I prefer to grow and cook much of my own food. I love having people over, and cooking for them. I love seeing the smiling faces, hearing the laughter and the chatter around a table, as people gather. I am thankful for much in this world. I realize, I have wonderful opportunities, and much good around me.

I am thankful

Through Welcome Wagon, and later UptrendUniversity, and finally, now, through #dreemport, I have the chance to work with, to mentor, and to learn from some of the most amazing people.

It's my fondest dreem, to one day, host a big gathering of all the #dreemers, cook for them, see them in person, hear their laughter, see their smiling faces, and listen to the stories around the big tables we'll eat, laugh and love at.

All of them have been wonderful people to meet, but I would be remiss, if I did not mention, @dreemsteem and @shadowspub and the amazing @saffisara, @samsmith1971 and @eveningart

Someday, we'll gather and laugh together.
with Cheers,

Greg @bluefinstudios

What are you THANKFUL for?
Let me know below in the comments...

Show me your garden!
Leave me a comment, below...
and a link to your #GroVid22 garden!

It's time to take control of your own food supply,
your own health and your own lives.

The GroVid22 Challenge:
Grow Your OWN is not just a simple short challenge,
it's about taking control of your future!

Happy Gardening and Cheers,

All Photos by Bluefin Studios unless specified.

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