CRISIS!!!! Blossom End Rot for Tomato!

My Tomato Have Blossom End Rot

Cures and Treatments

Blossom End Rot
Blossom End Rot is a problem for Tomato (and other vegetables) that causes Tomato to rot on the end where the flower formed the fruit. That's the side AWAY from the stem. Basically, Blossom End Rot is a problem where the tomato cannot get enough Calcium and Magnesium

ABOVE, I picked a few of the tomato today, mostly San Marzano, and one Roma. They all seem to be suffering from Blossom End Rot.

BER (Blossom End Rot) is caused by one of three things:

  • Not enough Calcium and Magnesium in the soil
  • A Watering issue where, not enough water is getting to roots and they cannot intake Calcium
  • A Watering issue where, TOO MUCH water is getting to the roots and the calcium is being diluted.

    For most gardeners, the issue is usually watering. And often, it is NOT enough water. Usually a good fertilizer will have calcium in it and will allow the tomato plant to take up the needed nutrients as long as you water correctly!

To SOLVE BER, and to prevent it, is usually the same treatment. I mix up a slurry of two handfuls of Garden Lime to a Gallon (a little under 4 liters) of water. It doesn't have to be exact, plants will only use what they need! Then simply add one or two cups worth of the mix, to each container. About a half liter or two.

Above: The Garden Lime, added to the watering can, and then applied to each Tomato plant Container.
Plants in Container can sue nutrients much faster than in ground, so be careful and always remember to be adding fertilizer to your containers.

Gardening To DO:

  • At home, replant lettuces, spinaches.
  • divide the main Papou's Mint and pot up some more!
    I will bring some down here, to Cape Cod, and let it grow
  • thin carrot, thin some more onion
  • Pick a ton of Raspberry each day! Last year, once I started, it was almost a pint of Raspberry each day (half to freezer for later jelly and jam making)!
LOTS More to come, from my GroVid22 Gardens!

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Happy New Planting and Cheers,

All Photos by Bluefin Studios unless specified.

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