
It's been 2 and a half LONG years!

...and now, back in All Black
Just a short post, as I am working, today for the first time since PRE-PANDEMIC!

Pre-pandemic, I worked in Special Events Audio Visual Production Management. A mouthful. but it means, I managed the AV part of large events for corporations. Crew, Equipment, Satellite time, generators, all kinds of diverse bits to make a show happen. We take empty spaces and make something exciting take place.

My last event was March 13th, 2020. No events since then. In the meant time, I have been working in my garden, and working at my passion: Photography.

The event I am working on, is hosted by Boston College, and it's Carrol School Of Management. It's 1500 people meeting and discussing best processes for being Good Corporate Citizens. Ecologically, Socially, Morally. Many global companies, participating, to understand how best to do right, in the corporate world.

I'll be on site, until later Tuesday, so, very little chance to discuss the Garden, and my own photography.

Gardening tasks for me to accomplish, when I return from my work:

  • I am starting some Pumpkin, so the seeds will get sown outside, soon.
  • I have another dozen or two grow bags, to fill, that's the last of them. 20 or so for pepper, 45 or so for tomato, a half dozen for other plants.
  • I may need some more containers for some plants, I will determine that, after transplanting.
  • end of week, I will start Hardening OFF my peppers: transplanting outside, within 10 days.
  • Next week, I will be hardening off Tomato, and following week, squash, Zucchini and more herbs! It takes about a week for Hardening off plants. so, once I start, I transplant in 7 or 8 days, depending on weather.

Show me your garden!
Leave me a comment, below... and a link to your garden!

It's time to take control of your own food supply,
your own health and your own lives.

The GroVid22 Challenge:
Grow Your OWN is not just a simple short challenge,
it's about taking control of your future!

Happy New Planting and Cheers,

All Photos by Bluefin Studios unless specified.

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