In 2030 Brain Will be Controlled With a Chip?


According to a report, Neuro Scientists have warned that giant companies are making a technology with the help of which they could have an influence on thinking and ideologies of humans in the coming ten years.

A group of American Neuro Scientists have conducted resreach that through Brain Chips, access to the internet can be converted from Smart Phones.

This technology could be sold on business basis in the coming ten years.

If you remind of the movie 'Inception' in which Leonardo Decaprio acted as a thief where he steals information from his target's brain.

According to the Neuro Science professors from Columbia University New York, this thing is not a science fiction anymore but very soon this will be converted into a reality.

According to them, the technology companies in the coming future are making instruments that can connect our brain to the internet in place of smartphones.

Facebook also is busy connecting human brain to the computer. Elon Musk's firm Neuralink is experimenting connecting technology to the brains of monkey.

Social Media and Search Engine already is in criticism for controlling our information that we read and see.

Morningside Group has claimed that this is a big threat to the humanity. United Nations need to include Neuro Science in the Human Rights recognized charter.

Neuralink made in 2016 is making brain chips that control brain activity.

Columbia University's Professor Yost has shown a concern that the technology for brain control can also be used by those companies which are not answerable to anybody.

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