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I Think We Should Have a Unique Logo for POB

Logos are very important as it grabs the attention, and as we say that first impression is the last impression, so a logo can make a strong first impression, it gives your brand a unique identity and separates you from your competitors.

Talking about all these benefits of a logo why not paltform like should have a unique logo? have been gaining some good popularity throughout the Hive community lately and the involvement of users have increased on the platform. So for the reason we should also have a unique professional logo for As the one which we have already is pretty much an ordinary one.

Getting logos are simple, and it could be done by announcing it in a post. Make it sort of a competition, and the logo which stands out in the crowd, that logo creator should be given a prize by incentivizing him. Also those who have participated in the logo creation, being shared in their posts should be given some upvotes.

Thanks for the read.