As a Steemit promoter and promo-steem ambassador, I want to use this opportunity to properly promote the platform through educational and social activities. Promotion is a key tool to this platform, so I want to use this offline activities to lift the Steem Blockchain to a higher level.

After the Abuja steemit and Blockchain, I (@xpency) and other steemians from the @abuja-steem community, have decided to spread steemit to the Northern part of Nigeria.
This project is mainly for the empowerment of youths with blockchain, bringing of investors to the platform and also eradication of poverty from Nigeria. The idea is to spread widely to people the importance of having Blockchain in our world today.

This events will proceed firstly in the northern part of Nigeria, though we will move to other parts of the country with time, but due to the high level of unemployment and poverty in the north, this initiative is set to bring change to all northerners.


There are 36 states in Nigeria , but the project will base mainly on the Northern states, majors states for the event include:

  • Federal Capital Territory Abuja
  • Nasarawa State
  • Kaduna state
  • Niger State
  • Plateau State
  • kogi state
  • Benue State
    Other neighboring states and every other state in the country will be included with time, because we will be working with steemians from different states, to make the project successful.


Anybody conversant with these region will agree that these are prevalent features;

Populated, facts are, it is the most populated region in Nigeria with an average of 70% youth population and another 60% not engaged in any form of work, that gives us the opportunity to sell the idea blockchain and also empower them.
Blockchain and steemit is relatively unknown at the moment and as such and exposure is long overdue with an average of two university in each of those states, that should be 16 or more public universities with an average of 10,000 student each all relatively naive to blockchain and Steemit.
There is this erroneous believe that you have to sweat to make money like farm, trade and had labour, the Steem blockchain will give them the opportunity to work and earn from home.
Generally, youths are attracted to social activities, and the population of the North is mostly of youth, introducing these social activities alongside introduction of blockchain stand a chance of winning their minds.


Benefit to the Host States

  • Empowerment of the communities with steemit and blockchain/cryptocurrencies
  • Creating investment opportunities for youths and individuals in the hosting states
  • Creating job opportunities in terms of event planning and educational gathering for individuals involved in the social activities of the "steem the north" project
  • Introducing SMT to social event companies, club owners, education promoters to monetise their companies on the steem blockchain.

Benefit to the Steemit Platform

  • This project will bring newly registered members to the platform,Steemit will experience new people with great ideas and talents , who will add value to the platform.
  • Companies and organisations will bring their businesses and organisations to the platform in form of Smart Media Tokens.
  • Investors will be introduced to steem, steemit and blockchain as a whole.
  • Showcase of talent and activities that will take place during this project will be made available on the platform
  • Promotion of the platform and creating more steemit promoters by reaching out to different steemians around the globe to encourage the "steem the north" project.


Steem Picnic

A steem meal taken outdoor event in a nice surrounding with steemit decorations, music, good food, and other social activities. This form of promotion will be different from normal meetups, there will be games and jokes from different comedians, steemians will come with friends to have fun and also get enlightened about the steemit platform, we plan to make it the best way of bringing content creators and also investors to the platform.

Steem BBQ Party.

This will be in form of a picnic but originally backyard party that will feature, steemians, friends, families and neighbours, all present for the purpose of Steem and the Steeem blockchain. There will be a lot of surprises during these BBQ parties.

Steem Night Club.

A night club steem event sound so unreal but possible, this is where we will get more investors, A club night powered by steem, which will make club goers wonder what steem is and it’s features. the aim is to bring as much investors as we can, to put their money into steem.

other activities such as Steem Blockchain Hangout, Steem night camps, Steem hike, and Steem carnival will all be part of the project. Every event from steem the north project will be professionally treated.

Steem University Storm

This is one of the projects favourite because of the pain of cluelessness suffered by young graduates as well as frustrated those in school, getting stuck with financial challenges and all, there are thousands of undergraduates and graduates alike with value and gurus in various fields that could impact the Steemit community, a success for one of these guys will mean success for a teaming population of friends, family and well wishers who are all looking up to them. so getting them started with the right knowledge and opportunity to make cool money as well as create value, something we need in the world right now and most importantly correct the negative perception that some people have about Nigeria and Nigerians.

uni storm.jpeg

Polytechnics and Monotechnics

The awesome part of this is that it is not limited to universities alone as Polytechnic, Colleges of Education as well as vocational institutes that churn out dozens of youth each year with little or no support to pursue their learnt vocation and crafts thereby increasing the jobless youth and all, but with Steemit an opportunity for them to save up something while in their vocational educations so that when they get out they can be self sufficient because they have the craft and the means to support the craft, and we intent to visit their graduation ceremonies and donate according to our means tools and grants to them to become useful to themselves.

Secondary Schools/Highschools

It gets no cooler than visiting secondary schools/highschools with poetry and short stories competition where the winners would be placed on allowances generated from their post, we are talking about helping 13 to 16 year old kids learn self sufficiency at a very tender age and help them finance themselves in further educations as well as satisfy their immediate needs. This is truly something we are very excited about and can’t wait to set the ball rolling.

Benefits to Other Steemians

The major target of every steemian is visibility and influence which comes after the former, realising that we are forming a selfless platform where the struggles of visibility would be reduced by giving credit to relatively unknown authors with great content.

There is another group that can at least hold their own but are not able to pull crowd, look at it this way you are in the north and it's environs and is very interested in holding a meet up or an enlightenment program in your area and preach the steemit gospel but lack the know-how as well as the finance, thats where we come in to help in the organisation as well a promote the event only as a second party.

Steem The North Organisers





On a final note, seem the north as a brainchild of @xpency is aimed at;

  • Empowerment
  • Steemit promotion
  • Education
    With these goals in mind and also realizing that the surest way to get people, especially young ones to buy into any idea is selling it along with fun I guess that's why school is not that interesting, so we are integrating these core values with fun and the result is sure success…as we seem to the moon.

In order for this project to be successful, we will need your support with commenting, upvoting and resteeming, critics are also welcome, contributions with positive ideas will be accepted.


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