Steem at $0.20 again: your thoughts?

Hi there my Steemian friends and followers!

Six months ago, I published a post titled Steem at $0.20: your thoughts? here on my blog and here we go again today. Same title, same price... Same situation? Not at all!

While those six months ago, Steem broke the 0.20 mark during its monstrous and super lengthy drop to what turned out to be the lowest price I have ever seen (about 0.10), its current stop by the 0.20 mark is happening on what seems like an epic comeback up to the numbers where we all want it to have.

We have already seen quite a lot of random, short lived pumps of Steem that might have caused some moderate elation in the community but we all knew these occasional candles were not what we wanted and needed in the long run. What is happening now, however, looks exactly like the healthy, organic and stable growth of the Steem price that we have been anticipating for so long. I know it is too early to draw any conclusion yet but from what I have read, heard and observed in the crypto world lately, I can tell you I am really optimistic and excited about what is upon us in the near future ;)

I have already noticed a few "I am back" posts here on the blockchain and I am expecting many more to show up in the days and weeks to come. Naturally, when people see that the price starts to go up again, they come back to our blockchain with the vision of making some coins that will be worth something. But let me remind you one thing. It will be us, the most dedicated Steemians who have been here all the time, posting, commenting, curating, engaging with the community and keeping the blockchain alive even in the quietest times, who will be rewarded the most. Our determination and strong belief in Steem will come to sweet fruition soon, I am very confident about it.

The photo was taken taken by me. The rest is result of my "outstanding" photo editing skills :D

I am really grateful that I didn´t give up during the frustrating times when the post comment sections were pitifully void and the blockchain felt like a ghost town. I am glad that I have persisted and you should be too, because... let me tell you one thing. I can already hear the bull snorting heavily and it is a big one ;)

This post was created by me for the Steem blockchain exclusively.


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