Outcome of @Stemng Meetup: It Was A Huge Success

Hello Steemians. Welcome to my blog yet again.

I am feeling very happy because after much hassles and troubles, I was able to make it to @Stemng meetup yesterday. In my yesterday post, I informed the community of the challenges I was going through but thank God for everything. Finally got my luggage at around 10.30am and taxied straight to my house to get ready for the meeting.



Finally got to the meetup venue at, I guess, at 1.00pm. Met a full house and such amazing individuals as @gentleshaid, @rharphelle, @temitayo-pelumi, @emperorhassy, @real2josh, @djoi, @agbona, @bookiie, @thurllanie, @samest, @Mrbreeziewrites, @dandymee, etc. We exchanged pleasantries and banters and then waited briefly for others to arrive.


The venue of the meetup was at National Conservation Centre. It is a tourist site, a sort of mangrove forest, very swampy and therefore very rich in aquatic life too. Obviously, the organizer @gentleshaid who's also a botanist wanted us to have a real life view of some creatures like some special type of birds and monkeys that I don't even know their names. And for certain, that was my first time of seeing such creatures. I know, since birth, most of the attendees that were brought up in the city, may not have ever seen such a swampy forest for the first time in their lives. The Meetup enabled to see and appreciate what mother nature has for mankind.


There was three phases to the meetup: first is sightseeing and socialization in which we were made to climb some elevated series of ladders 😉😂 (lol I don't even know its name, can someone help me out please 🙏) with close observation of some special plants. The second phase was a sort of question-and-answer session and sharing of ideas. I was able to learn how project fundition.io works. During this phase also, @gentleshaid gave us a rundown explanation of how @steemstem community's curation project works, as well as very rich explanations to myriads of STEM related questions.


I wasn't able to stay until the third session, which I believe, was all about group photographs and general photo shooting. I left because I ran out of money and wasn't with my ATM, and so earnestly needed to get to my bank and withdraw some money. So I left the meetup venue for my bank from there, I taxied home.

In all, it was a good show; very rich and educative too. I was the only person to come from afar, and won't fail to attend if another one is organized. Thanks for reading.


Do You Blog About Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics? If Yes, Patiently Read The Below Info

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