Inspired and Moving on to the next chapter in my life


This is awesome...let's do more original and awesome content!

This year I hope to help one of my closest friends enroll for her review course and although its going to be a tough job and among the frontliners, we know its worth it.
I myself will also enroll in a course that'll teach me more about online marketing.
Though my friend and I are far apart, looks like we have the same goals.
I miss you Michell.


This last pic at the bottom was taken on the first day I met her. Its been 5yrs since that day.
This was a group hangout and I didn't know anyone of them.
I thought I was going to get bored.
You know how it feels like joining a new group and not knowing anyone or who to speak with.
She was very approachable and friendly to talk to me @michellpiala - I truly miss you and hope you're doing fine back in the Philippines. We know life is hard there, but I can't imagine how harder it is when you're away from family. Now you're there, I wish to support you as you've done so much for me.

I'm also so thankful to #Hive as it has continued its purpose of helping individuals like us to practice our creativity in blogging and posting original content too.
Please take the time to read Project Hope's Stand on Plagiarizm and Post Spinning!

This year, I'm truly set out to post more and engage more with the Hive Communities. Thanks to @janettyanez for her inspiring post on Discipline and Success

Until here...
See you all again after moving on to the next chapter in my life.
I'm Getting #Married

were getting married.jpg

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