The Wonder of Mother Earth -project-positivity-

Thank you @kushed @lifeisawesome and @honeyscribe for the great community support you are making for positive work!  

Here is my first submission about our wonderful Mother earth!

The idea of the Earth as a mother figure is nothing new, although the Gaia hypothesis is a relatively new thought. There is absolutely no doubt that we owe our existence to the Earth, and it has also been a surprise to science that the planet is able to apparently heal the worst of the scars caused by human activities in an amazingly short space of time. 

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The Gaia hypothesis, named from the Greek Earth Mother goddess, Gaia, was first put forward by James Lovelock in the 1970. It suggest that the Earth forms a self-regulating system which helps to maintain the ideal conditions for life to survive here. This elegant theory has been proved over several disciplines.

That the Earth has an overall consciousness geared towards maintaining life is not a view most scientists are willing to admit, but to the New Age movement it forms one of their core beliefs. It is not to say that the Earth couldn't be overwhelmed by damage, of course. There is good evidence that this is happening, and that many of the regulatory systems Lovelock pointed out are no longer sufficient. 

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The fact that Earth is the       one place in the universe which we can absolutely positively point to the existence of life is astonishing, and there is apparently no end to the places life can be found here. There are organisms living at pressures and temperatures which just a few decades ago would have been considered impossible. 

We do need to accept that the Earth needs some help, however. The damage which has been done to her in the last few centuries is slowly but surely overwhelming what defenses are in the place to prevent major changes to climate and to the chemical balances which help to support life. The Earth can heal a great deal of damage, but we depend on her utterly, and this is a good reason to keep her healthy. Besides, the healthiest places on the planet are also among the most beautiful. Going to the heart of a pristine forest can rejuvenate a person's spirit, helping to relieve stress and heal some of the superficial damage living in modern society can do to us, as well as to the planet herself.

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Remember, the Earth is our Mother. We really should take as good a care of her as she does of us.

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