My top 3 of the best post on project hope (05/08/2020)

Articles curated by @project.hope: my top 3 weekly selection (05/08/2020)

I like the neighborhood and as a participant in projects, I retain allotted myself to the chore of weekly initiating a nomination of the writings that appear most fascinating to me and here I fetch them to you and submit them now.

This is all thanks to the labor of @crypto.piotr who has assembled this gorgeous and rising community called @project.hope

We are a committee of people who love technology, artificial intelligence, psychology, marketing, finance, and areas for which we are excited that we come together to share and illustrate our ideas through this community.

This time we have a nice variety, from specialized high-tech masks, up to security holes in very current operating systems, and a great app that works like a ba cryptocurrency and currency exchange, it will surely be the favorite of Venezuelans.

Very interesting and bright themes this week.

So Lets see, here is my top 3 :

1 - You know it's neomoonapp

@trabajosdelsiglo informs us about a great application that will allow transferring currencies and will act as a digital bank, it will undoubtedly be a favorite among Venezuelans, a post that you should review and comment on to better know the details.


2 - New security hole puts Windows and Linux users at risk , boothole could be nightmare for both OS users

@hassanabid informs us about a serious security flaw in Windows and Linux, the truth as an expert on the subject, consume que es una información muy valiosa y should be revised, since alerts us to a vulnerability very serious in both operating systems.


3 - Cliu the mask taken to another level

@fucho80 made a magnificent research work and brings us a sample of how during the crisis you can create oportunities of bussiness. Just give a look to this awesome tech mask.
A very interesting post to share


Wish you enjoy these reviews, I made it to collaborate with @project.hope

¡See you on my next post!

Note: 50% of this post-earnings goes to @ph-fund.

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