Batch loading with Retrofit and RxJava

Working on some project, I have find out, that there is no any standard solutions to implement batch-loading throw retrofit2 and retrofit2 adapter-rxjava bundle.
For example, have retrofit service interface.

interface Api {
    Observable<List<SomeEntityServerView>> getAll(
        @Query("first") int first,
        @Query("max") int batchSize);

To load single batch we do:

service.getAll(0,20).map(list -> ...).observeOn(...).subscribe(...);

To load next batch we have to create new observable every time. But we want to process all enities in single rx-java stream.

What about following simple approach?

public class BatchLoadingUtils {     
    * @param batchLoaderFactory - observable factory by batch number
    * @param batchSize

   public static <T> Observable<List<T>> create(Func1<Integer, Observable<List<T>>> batchLoaderFactory, int batchSize) {
        AtomicInteger first = new AtomicInteger(0);
        BehaviorSubject<Integer> subject = BehaviorSubject.create(0);
        return subject
                //map first id offset to observable
                .doOnNext(ts -> {
                    if (ts.size() == batchSize) {//Queue next batch in case current batch is complete
                     } else {//Turning down, otherwise

Usage example:

final int batchSize = 10; 
        first -> retrofitService.getAll(first, batchSize),
    .flatMapIterable(list -> list)

Looks like it is easy and effective. Now you can create single stream for several batches.

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