Programming My Own Trading Chart - Part 17


I eat my own dog food. 😀

Meaning, I use what I put out there. If you thought that I was doing this just for entertainment, or to frustrate other devs with a (currently) incomplete chart you'd be wrong.

The chart is now at a point of functionality in it's development that it is feasible to start using it in a limited capacity. Hence I've returned to the development of my trading app.

The app was the very reason I started off on this crazy venture into building a trade chart from scratch.

I'm going to use the app development to drive the chart development. It will be a practical test bed for the chart, bringing any bugs and shortcomings in features to the fore.

I intend to make the chart full featured, so stick around, and give it a go yourself.


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With the release of version 0.115.0, sees some changes that will make people happy. A pet annoyance of many has been that the Utils and Tool bar are currently non-functional.

Now they can be disabled.

The Tools bar can now also be positioned left or right.

Commit by commit, the chart is making progress and becoming useful. It is rewarding to finally have something that works after so much time invested in it.

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