Choosing A Programming Language

Your first thought on selecting a language is, what do I want to accomplish....

  1. Well the easiest language to learn is Python, VB.NET, PHP, SQL, and C#. These languages will get you programming within a year for most.
  2. The most powerful language is C++. This programming language runs on a variety of platforms.
  3. The language that is a must to learn is Java.
    Yes, if you're looking for a new career or build any apps, Java is it.
  4. Looking to build mobile apps: Java, C++ and objective-C.
  5. Static web pages: HTML and CSS.
  6. Server-Side languages: PHP, Python, Ruby.

You can start at any age to learn programming.
There's many more languages that i didn't mention in this short post.
You can find all the languages here on Wiki.
Its free to learn, there's plenty of free sites which we have listed below.
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