Presearch: Node Operator Reward #5

Running Presearch node is a "good" way to earn PRE token?

Probably not 😂

This month I got 202 PRE for running a node with 4300 PRE staked on it... which is about $100.
Last month was 163 PRE
The month before that was 100 PRE

So $100 staked and $5 reward in a month is not bad? Hmm 🤔 not really because it is not free to run a node. My node is running in a cloud and I have to pay $10 a month so I have been losing money for running a node for the last 5 months or more...

Also this month, they updated a node version 2 weeks ago and when they did that, some people lost all the unclaimed rewards. I did too... I reported the issue and I got it back eventually, but that was not a pleasant experience.
Some people were not affected by it but there was a bug displaying PRE amount or they were giving too many PRE for some node operators or something... I am not sure exactly what was going on but they changed something and it caused PRE rewards to be disappeared 😂
Hopefully something like this won't happen again...

Anyway, BTC and ETH are coming back up so I am hoping PRE is going up a little bit so that I can get even at least 🤞 maybe next month!

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