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Why Do YOU Prep?

When I was little, we were very poor. When I say poor, I don't mean unable to pay the cable bill or buy the newest gadget, I mean DIRT POOR.

I have vague memories of eating sugar and milk on bread or toast because that is all we had. I remember going to the local thrift store and trading in my dingy shoes that were too small for a "new" pair of dingy shoes in my size.

Even though I was little bitty, those memories impacted me more than you can ever imagine.

Finances proved to be better as I got older, but I still retained those memories.

For years I felt a prompting to put back USABLE items such as food, water, candles, lanterns, medical supplies, etc. About 8 years ago I could not ignore those prompts any longer.

I began hearing about people called "preppers". Of course, most tried to make preppers into crazy conspiracy theorists who are prepping for an invasion from outer space. The more I researched, the more I realized that while there are a select few mentally unstable people out there, most preppers are just like me...simply put, being prepared for common emergencies that will likely happen to us at some point, (flat tire, power outages, storms, job loss, etc).

I prep so that I don't have to look into my hungry grandaughter's eyes and tell her I am sorry..that I don't have anything. I prep so that I don't have to watch someone I love die in front of my eyes because they were injured severely and I didn't have any supplies or training to offer them help. I prep so that I can keep my family warm if the electric goes out in the winter.

These are a few reasons I prep.

Why do YOU Prep?