The Thirty Day SHTF Test Diet: Day 25

Today was Day 25 for my test of Mountain House food packets as emergency food, The Thirty Day SHTF Test Diet. Lots of preppers recommend storing food for a disaster; this series tests it out. As detailed earlier, this diet has turned into a weight-loss diet too.

Five days to go, and the new normal is mostly continuing. My two shifts turned into a night-owl single shift because I couldn't sleep during the first. Again, I frontloaded the breakfast in the wee hours to help me get some sleep. My attempts to wake up earlier in the morning, to bring my routine back to regular normal, were unsuccessful. Despite the hungries returning, my weight is still stuck on the plateau.

Today's Meals

Today's was the Scrambled Eggs with Ham and Pepper, once again eaten in the very early morning:

A cup of boiled water, stirrings, less than a ten-minute wait - the usual for this meal - and:

it was reconstituted. I did eat it right after the wait period, instead of stretching out the cooling period a bit, and there was a fair bit of "egg soup" fluid at the bottom of the packet. Prolly not coincidental.

The dinner was the Beef Stew:

As with all the meals that require boiled water, stirrings and less than ten minutes' wait got it ready to go:

Like all the dinners, the stew took two cups of boiled water instead of the eggs' one.

It tasted like canned stew, although the ingredients are a bit different: the white cubes are potato chunks.

As shown by the Nutrition Facts boxes for each, with the one for the eggs breakfast on the left and the box for the stew dinner on the right:

the beef stew is very low-calorie. The values for the dinners are per half-pouch, so you have to multiply them by two to get the numbers for the entire packet. Even with that adjustment, the beef stew clocks in at only 520 calories: the same as for the Granola breakfast pouch. With the 380 for the eggs, this combination totals only 900 calories.

Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day.

As mentioned above, my weight is essentially unchanged:

making the plateauing stretch a full week.

Effects, So Far:

To be frank, I've been fantasizing about quitting early or at least working in a Hiatus Day or two. I won't, because this is an experiment and I have no compelling reason to do so, but if I was dieting privately I just might. That's because the plateauing looks a lot like my body has converted into famine mode and is drawing down fewer calories. A reboot to feast mode might get me drawing down more fat.

Consistent with the low-caloric lasagna I had yesterday, my stomach did do its share of growling. I've been trying to break the split-sleep routine by setting my alarm earlier, with no luck so far. The realignment might take a few tries.

As per usual, there are no health effects if you leave out the unusual sleep pattern. My energy level is normal: not trudgey, not bouncy, but average.


Still stuck on the weight plateau, although this might change due to yesterday's and today's dinners' calories being unusually low. (Today's combo is in crash-diet range.) From an SHTF perspective, the plateauing is a net blessing. If it's indeed caused by my metabolism slowing and me burning fewer calories, then the amount of calories in a stored-food program will stretch out longer. Of note is the fact that I've been able to get through the day in a more-or-less normal manner (except for the attack of the February blahs) on a calorie count at or below short rations. Undoubtedly, this is due to me being quite overweight - which may prove to be a surprise advantage in a real stretched-out SHTF disaster.

But from the dieting standpoint, it's an impediment - one that may be lessened by jiggering the feat-famine reflex with hiatus days. It seems worth testing out someday.

Thanks for reading.

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