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The Time is NOW — Prayers for the World To Unite!

This may not be a popular post.

However, as a minister I have a responsibility to the "Government of God" more than the Government of Mankind.

I love you all, regardless of where you were raised, what your religion is or what politics you follow.

Always follow the light!

We must begin to unite. Sincerely.

Remember the song by Sting? Russians? The one with the line: "I hope the Russians love their children too"?

What I witnessed this morning as I opened my email was a mass outpouring of cries for help from China.

I stopped what I was doing and went to our grotto and prayed.

We really do not know what is happening there.

My husband and I sat at dinner last night and he said something about "The latest debacle in American Politics" — I asked him to stop for a few reasons.

I love my country. I am (at the risk of sounding like a Country Song) Proud to be an American.

Looking towards the light

In spite of how the media does control what we see, in spite of our Megalomaniac President, we are a YOUNG country that is also a WORLD POWER. We are great and we wouldn't have to be locked in our apartments because of some flu — could you imagine Manhattan being quarantined?!

We have managed to maintain some sense of balance in changing times and we're doing the best we can.

Please show me a country that doesn't have political nonsense and I'll show you propaganda.

We (keyword — let me repeat it — WE) must begin to unite as people who genuinely care about each other regardless of where we are on this planet.

You don't own anything on this planet. This dirt does not belong to you. Regardless of who your ancestors are, it is not YOURS. You are a citizen of earth.

We must unite. Or we will not survive.

Pray for China. Pray for each other. Pray.

Bright Blessings!
Rev. Sarah

(a version of this post previously appeared on our Facebook page)

You are not alone!
(Graphic is our own)

The White Light Express Mission Statement:

Since October 2001, the mission of the White Light Express has been to offer healing and transformation through focused positive intention, meditation and prayer. Right Thought is the first step toward Right Action and consciousness. We believe that “holding the vibration” is a profound task and our divine destiny.

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