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If someone is living in poverty, whats the best way to try and break the cycle and climb out of the poverty trap?

Let me tell you the bitter truth today it might seems generally but if you are willing to follow the advice here then you would kiss poverty cycle good bye
If would like to weave this answer into a story
Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream the first mice easily gave up and drown,
The second mice wouldn't quit,he struggled so hard that eventually he curn that cream into butter and crawled out
Ladies and gentlemen you can decide to be the first or second mice as long as you keep moving
Movement in any positive direction will lead anyone out of poverty.that said
Let me give pratical steps break the poverty cycle.
Learn how to sale,there is no better way to break out of poverty than learning how to sale
but many people are afraid of selling.I hope you are not.
It's easy focus on what others want rather than focusing yourself.
We all have this limiting question WIFM what is in for me
If you learn to focus on what others want you can never be poor
I 'm the marketing rebel
If you want to get tips and strategies to help you get ahead.
Check my blog for inspiration and educative posts
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