Bunga mahkota duri (Euphorbia)






hi hive friends, see you again, Zulfanies, how are you, I hope you are always in good health and always achieve your goals.

tonight I want to reintroduce to all my friends about the crown of thorns or better known as the euphorbia flower, there used to be a lot of people competing to have this euphorbia flower to display on the terrace of the house.

At that time this flower was like a flower that could determine a person's caste, maybe that's how it was until people dared to drain the contents of their wallets to buy flowers with thorns.

This euphorbia flower is a suitable flower in any area, highlands or lowlands. It's okay to plant in ordinary soil as long as it's not watered too often, for example twice a day, because this euphorbia flower is not tolerant of humid places or its roots rot quickly.

while the age of this euphorbia flower is only nine months for the red type of euphorbia, while for the white flower it can last up to one year. This euphorbia flower does not experience a drying process or fall, but turns into green leaves.

This euhorbia flower is a plant with its stem filled with sharp thorns but with beautiful colorful flowers that can attract the heart of anyone who sees it.

I took this euphorbia flower in one of the residents' houses in our village using the Vivo y15 cellphone lens camera that I have. hopefully all hive friends can like it THANK YOU.

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